Improving Healthcare Employee Attitudes and Work Performance

Amber Ratcliffe
Group of smiling healthcare workers that model improving healthcare employee attitudes

Healthcare employees have some of the toughest jobs in the world — and, arguably, some of the most emotionally demanding. Stress can get the best of anyone, which makes it critically important to prioritize a company culture that uplifts employee attitudes. A positive attitude goes a long way towards delivering a higher standard of care. More than that, it helps improve employee retention.

You might feel that your patients are best-served by focusing your attention on their care, on research, and on personal medical training. But staff development and education does impact your practice — and your patients directly. Healthcare organizations need to lead the way in encouraging staff education, positive employee attitude, and overall team performance. It’s all one big bundle.


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Attitude and Its Impact on Staff Retention

Employee attitude plays a critical role in staff retention in the healthcare industry. In fast-paced, high-stress environments, a positive and supportive attitude among employees can significantly impact their job satisfaction — and general sense of well-being. When healthcare professionals have a strong sense of commitment, compassion, and teamwork, it fosters a positive work culture where their colleagues also feel valued and supported. This, in turn, leads to increased job satisfaction and lower levels of burnout. It all adds up to less likelihood of turnover and a greater sense of job satisfaction. 

On the other hand, a negative (or jaded) attitude can have a detrimental effect on staff retention. In environments where teamwork and collaboration are essential, a single individual’s negative demeanor can create a ripple effect that leads to lower morale and dissatisfaction among other staff members. The stress and emotional toll of the job become even worse if employees don’t feel supported. Ultimately, this negative environment can lead to higher turnover rates as employees seek more positive and fulfilling work settings where they feel appreciated and respected. 

The Importance of Employee Engagement

How can you stop the stress of the job from souring the attitude of an otherwise great employee? It comes down to engagement. Engaged employees are more committed and passionate about their work, leading to improved patient satisfaction and better health outcomes. When employees feel connected to their roles and the organization’s mission, they’re more likely to go the extra mile, deliver high-quality care, and maintain a positive attitude.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that happier employees tend to stick with organizations that engage them. When they feel valued and appreciated, they’re also less likely to experience burnout, contributing to a more stable workforce and reduced recruitment costs. High levels of engagement promote collaboration and effective communication, which contributes to a positive culture that uplifts employees, teams, patients, and the organization as a whole. 

Education Is a Powerful Form of Engagement

One of the best ways to engage employees is to invest in them. Offering continuing education is a powerful form of employee engagement that demonstrates the organization’s commitment to professional growth and development. 

With access to ongoing education and skill enhancement opportunities, employees feel valued and supported, leading to increased job satisfaction and loyalty. Engaged employees are more likely to stay motivated, remain up to date with industry advancements, and apply newfound knowledge to their roles — resulting in improved performance and better care delivery. 

Above all, continuing education fosters a culture of continuous improvement. It promotes a sense of achievement and boosts self-confidence, which contributes to a positive and proactive attitude among employees. Healthcare staff will see value not only in themselves, but in their peers and the organization. What’s not to love about that?!

Additional Ideas To Improve Healthcare Employee Attitudes

Unfortunately, the stress of a career in healthcare will always exist. It’s up to organizations to engage their employees in ways that promote a positive attitude — and the many benefits that come with it. Here’s how:

  • Start With New Hire Onboarding. First impressions are important, so start engaging employees from the very beginning. Effective onboarding is crucial in setting the right tone for new employees. Providing a comprehensive orientation that introduces them to the organization’s values, mission, and culture can help instill a sense of belonging and purpose from the beginning.
  • Reduce Manual Tasks. No one likes data entry or feeling like they’re required to do meaningless tasks. Use technology to reduce these tasks so staff can spend more time on practice — it’s the reason they went into healthcare! Online incident reporting and document storage, for example, can reduce a lot of back and forth. 
  • Provide Valuable Benefits. Offer meaningful benefits that cater to employees’ needs. Aside from traditional benefits, consider providing opportunities for free online Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to support their professional development. A well-thought-out scheduling system that respects work-life balance can also contribute to a positive attitude among employees.
  • Stay on Top of Credentialing. A practicing provider is a happy provider. Ensuring that employees’ credentials are up to date and managing enrollment tasks efficiently can prevent payment delays and reduce unnecessary stress. A smoother credentialing process can contribute to overall job satisfaction and reduce time-to-start, which sets the tone for a positive working experience right out of the gate. 
  • Build a Strong Culture. Foster a supportive and inclusive culture that encourages collaboration, open communication, and recognition of employees’ efforts. Promote teamwork and create opportunities for social interactions among staff to build camaraderie and a sense of community within the organization.

And these tips are just a start! Engaging employees early and often, in meaningful ways, reminds them that they have the support of the organization. It fosters a sense of goodwill across teams, which pushes to the forefront of patient care — and in everything else they do. 

Use a Compliance Platform To Improve Staff Attitudes

A compliance platform has incredible potential when it comes to affecting positive staff attitudes. It’s why more and more healthcare organizations are turning to platforms like MedTrainer. 

MedTrainer can streamline and simplify compliance-related processes, reducing the burden of paperwork and administrative tasks for healthcare professionals. And, by automating training assignments, policy acknowledgment, and incident reporting, the platform frees up more time for staff to focus on patient care and their core responsibilities. Less time doing paperwork and more time spent engaged in meaningful work fosters a positive attitude that’s reflected across the organization. 

If you’re looking for a simple way to tamp down on stress that can lead to poor attitudes among your staff, schedule a free demo with MedTrainer. Learn how our platform can accentuate the positives of a career in healthcare — and the great attitude that comes from feeling fulfilled in your work.