Texas boasts 8.8% of the U.S. population but only 7.3% of active physicians. The state’s 205 primary care physicians ratio per 100,000 residents is 43 points below the national average. A big problem for a big state. Texas needs providers, and opportunities are plentiful.

Below is a Texas healthcare payer list with information on some of the insurance organizations doing business in the state. All offer easy-to-access provider portals where you can enroll, learn about offered plans, file claims, check patient eligibility, update credentials, and obtain resources to improve and grow your practice.

Payer Address Where to Join Phone
Baylor Scott and White Health Plan 301 N Washington Ave
Dallas, TX 75246
Provider Portal (844) 633-5325
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas 1001 E Lookout Dr
Richardson, TX 75082
Provider Portal (972) 766-6900
CHRISTUS Health Plan 5825 Old Bullard Rd Ste. 500
Tyler, TX 75703
Provider Portal (903) 996-3651
Cigna HealthCare of Texas 1640 Dallas Pkwy 4th floor
Plano, TX 75093
Provider Portal (800) 882-4462
Community First 12238 Silicon Dr #100
San Antonio, TX 78249
Provider Portal (210) 227-2347
Community Health Choice 2636 S Loop W #125
Houston, TX 77054
Provider Portal (888) 760-2600
Cook Children’s Health Plan 7000 Calmont Ave
Fort Worth, TX, 76116
Provider Portal (888) 243-3312
Curative Insurance 900 Congress Ave
Austin, TX, 78701-2437
Provider Portal (855) 414-1083
Devoted Health Plan of Texas Two Chasewood, 20405 TX-249 Suite 325
Houston, TX 77070
Provider Portal (800) 338-6833
Driscoll Health Plan 4525 Ayers St
Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Provider Portal (956) 632-8308
Emblem Health 55 Water St
New York, NY 10041
Provider Portal (646) 447-5000
Evry Health 2553 Norsworthy Dr.
Dallas, TX 75228
Provider Portal (855) 579-3879
Gov. Employees Health Assn. 310 NE Mulberry St
Lee’s Summit, MO 64086
Provider Portal (877) 927-1112
HealthPartners 8170 33rd Ave S
Bloomington, MN 55425
Provider Portal (866) 630-0188
Humana Insurance Company 1221 South Mopac Suite 300
Austin TX 78746
Provider Portal (512) 338-6100
Memorial Hermann Health Plan 929 Gessner Rd Ste 1500
Houston, TX 77024
Provider Portal (800) 429-6396
Moda Health, Inc. 601 S.W. Second Ave
Portland, OR 97204
Provider Portal (833) 949-1884
Molina Healthcare 1660 N. Westridge Circle
Irving, TX 75038
Provider Portal (888) 562-5442
Oscar Insurance Company 75 Varick Street 5th Floor
New York, NY 10013
Provider Portal (855) 672-2755
Sendero Health Plans 2028 E Ben White Blvd STE 400
Austin, TX 78741
Provider Portal (844) 800-4693
Sharp Health Plan 8520 Tech Way #200
San Diego, CA 92123
Provider Portal (858) 499-8330
Sierra Health and Life Insurance Company, Inc. 9101 LBJ Freeway, Suite 760B
Dallas, TX 75243
Provider Portal (800) 745-7065
Superior Healthplan Network 5900 E. Ben White Blvd.
Austin, TX 78741
Provider Portal (800) 218-7453
Texas Children’s 6621 Fannin Street
Houston, TX 77030
Provider Portal (832) 824-2273
Texas Health Aetna 612 E. Lamar Blvd.
Arlington, TX 76011
Provider Portal (800) 213-3224
UnitedHealthcare of Texas 1311 W. President George Bush Hwy, Suite 100
Richardson, TX 75080
Provider Portal (844) 359-7736
US Health and Life Insurance Company 800 Tower Drive, Suite 300
Troy, MI 48098
Provider Portal (586) 693-4400
Wellpoint 1801 N Lamar St.
Dallas ,TX 75202
Provider Portal (833) 731-2162


WEBINAR: Credentialing Is Evolving. Are You?

Use This Texas Healthcare Payer List and MedTrainer To Simplify Enrollment

Consider that enrolling one provider with one payer can take 4-8 hours of uninterrupted time. That makes this Texas healthcare payer list even more welcome! 

Using credentialing software can make the enrollment process faster and easier with comprehensive provider profiles, automated license verification and exclusions monitoring, and customizable reporting. Using proven enrollment workflows, you can keep your process on track and visible to anyone in your organization. 

Watch this 3-minute video to find out why healthcare organizations choose MedTrainer Credentialing.

Download Tools to Conquer Provider Enrollment, an in-depth guide with valuable tips on speeding up the time from credentialing to enrollment approval. You’ll find the Enrollment Application Checklist and a Post-Payer Decision Checklist with steps to follow for approvals, denials, and rejections.

Want more? Schedule your demo to see MedTrainer Credentialing Software in action.