"MedTrainer is an A+ product. As an administrator, MedTrainer has made my job so much easier. The reports available to track module compliance are outstanding and simple to run. I really like that you can easily create your own custom education modules."

Beth Ann Vargas
Administrator, Merritt Healthcare

"MedTrainer has all of our educational needs for a surgery center. It makes my job easier by being able to create bundles for each staff category and having exactly what is required for education from any government or accrediting organization.”

Tammy West
Nurse Administrator, Northern Michigan Surgical Suites

"MedTrainer is a fabulous way to onboard our employees and an excellent source for continued education. It really helps us fast-track our new employees."

Terri Robinson
Center Administrator, American Family Care Urgent Care

"I love that MedTrainer's platform is user-friendly and has several helpful features that make the learning and credentialing process easy. MedTrainer helps automate credentialing by sending reminders about expiring certificates, external transcripts, and other licenses. It also makes staying in compliance with HIPAA and OSHA a breeze!"

Jenn Feliciano
Executive Administrator, U.S. Men's Health

"We have been using MedTrainer for a couple of years now. It has helped our company with our mandatory training needs like HIPAA, OSHA, and BBP. Plus, an admin can run reports to make sure our employees are compliant with their training."

Kim Wright
Practice Administrator, Allergic Disease and Asthma Center

“We were able to save one hour every week on manual tasks related to training by adopting the MedTrainer platform. As you know, doctors are fun to track on their trainings, and with MedTrainer, we are able to have clear visibility into which courses doctors have completed and when. So helpful come audit season.”

Raghu Reddy
Chief Administrative Officer, SurgCenter of Western MD


Ditch the Paperwork and Unblock Your Calendar

  • Automated Onboarding

Save yourself from the preoccupation of new hire onboarding with automatically assigned courses and emailed documents.

  • Faster Resolution

Say goodbye to the headache of handwritten incident reports. Staff can submit digital, anonymous reports for faster resolution.

  • End the Dread

End compliance reporting dread by easily demonstrating adherence to standards for your boss, the board, and auditors with real-time reports.

administrator compliance management view

Effortless Training

Your Path to Hassle-Free Compliance Training

  • One Click Training

Eliminate the stress of multiple site logins and course searches. Instead, access a library of quality healthcare-specific courses in one click.

  • Centralized Management

Rid yourself of tedious manual tasks by effortlessly overseeing staff progress, monitoring training, and accessing certificates in one centralized location.

  • Seamless CEs

Boost staff professional growth and ensure licensure maintenance with our complimentary CE library, included in your membership at no extra charge.

administrator learning view

Accelerated Credentialing

Simplify Credentialing Processes

  • Streamline Information Collection

Speed up data and document collection with CAQH management and enable providers to submit documents via a secure link directly to their provider profile.

  • Prevent Errors

Transform mental chaos into ease with automated notifications, preventing missed credentialing deadlines, and insurance company rejection worries.

  • Increase Visibility

Rest assured with one click access to enrollment application statuses, eliminating the need to search through multiple files.

administrator credentialing view
See What Our Customers Are Saying

Setting the Stage for Growth

Promeniq + MedTrainer

The Cost of Disconnection

Promeniq’s rapid growth means they are always onboarding new employees. With more than 100 employees, even seemingly simple tasks — like looking for training materials, knowing who had been trained on what, or getting in touch with someone regarding a policy acknowledgment — were time consuming.

MedTrainer Centralizes Crucial Work

Promeniq consolidated training and document management for all 16 locations using MedTrainer’s cloud-based platform. Transitioning from in-person training to MedTrainer courses immediately saved market directors hours each month in training prep and facilitation.

Less Workload, More Compliance, Higher Growth

Promeniq has freed up almost 20 hours a month for each market director, making growth more manageable. With everything in the MedTrainer platform, Promeniq was finally able to standardize all training and compliance materials, significantly streamlining the expansion process.


MedTrainer Learning
Documents & Policies

seconds to send reminders

"We're not trying to track down a bunch of different documents in our Google Drive. Everything is already in MedTrainer. Simply reviewing who is past due or sending reminders takes me all of 30 seconds."

Jenn Feliciano Executive Administrator, Promeniq

Getting to What Matters Most: Patient Care

Paper Processes Prevented Growth

Any ASC owner will tell you training is paramount to meeting the strict compliance requirements placed on ASCs. For SurgCenter of Western Maryland, keeping track of this crucial information on paper was risky and created more work for staff.

MedTrainer Solves Unmet Need

Since implementing MedTrainer, SurgCenter of Western Maryland has increased training completion among staff and providers while reducing the time it takes for the clinic manager to monitor and remind staff about the training.

Creating Cost Savings and Efficiency

SurgCenter of Western Maryland staff now have time to focus on high-value projects, overall employee satisfaction is increasing with their use of automation, they are eliminating human errors, and increasing the overall speed of transactions that occur.


MedTrainer Learning

hours saved per year

"When we delegate training to a doctor, they're extremely notorious for not doing it. They'll say they've done it, but they've only done one out of the four required courses."

Raghu Reddy Chief Administrative Officer, SurgCenter of Western Maryland

Superior Customer Service Just A Click Away
