Course Category
Showing 388-396 of 811
Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors, Nurses, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Social Workers

This program will help behavioral health professionals to become more aware of their cultural identity and the cultural identity of their clients to increase their ability to engage, assess, and treat clients from diverse backgrounds.

This course is one of nine of the Cultural Competency modules published by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services by their Think Cultural Health website. Additional cultural competency are listed below:
Cultural Competency – The Guide to Providing Effective Communication and Language Assistance Services
Cultural Competency Program for Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Response
Cultural Competency Deployment Refresher
Cultural Competency – Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Maternal Health Care
Cultural Competency – Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Cornerstone of Caring
Cultural Competency Program for Oral Health Providers
Cultural Competency – A Physicians Practical Guide to Culturally Competent Care
Cultural Competency – Promoviendo Decisiones Saludables y Cambios en la Comunidad

Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors, Nurses, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Social Workers

This program will help behavioral health professionals to become more aware of their cultural identity and the cultural identity of their clients to increase their ability to engage, assess, and treat clients from diverse backgrounds.

This course is one of nine of the Cultural Competency modules published by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services by their Think Cultural Health website. Additional cultural competency are listed below:
Cultural Competency – The Guide to Providing Effective Communication and Language Assistance Services
Cultural Competency Program for Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Response
Cultural Competency Deployment Refresher
Cultural Competency – Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Maternal Health Care
Cultural Competency – Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Cornerstone of Caring
Cultural Competency Program for Oral Health Providers
Cultural Competency – A Physicians Practical Guide to Culturally Competent Care
Cultural Competency – Promoviendo Decisiones Saludables y Cambios en la Comunidad

Cultural Competency for Healthcare Professionals – Nevada State Requirements – DO NOT USE _ NON VISIBLE

The ability to provide culturally competent care and foster a workplace that incorporates shared values and plays a vital role in the healthcare community. This course is designed to help provide a thorough understanding of certain cultural barriers, which will help develop effective strategies for healthcare professionals to become culturally competent. This course will provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to provide culturally competent and responsive care to all patients. Topics covered include cultural competency, national standards, barriers to cultural competency, unconscious bias, gender disparities, identity and expression, and strategies to provide care that is equitable, diverse, and inclusive.

Cultural Competency for Healthcare Professionals – Nevada State Requirements – DO NOT USE _ NON VISIBLE

The ability to provide culturally competent care and foster a workplace that incorporates shared values and plays a vital role in the healthcare community. This course is designed to help provide a thorough understanding of certain cultural barriers, which will help develop effective strategies for healthcare professionals to become culturally competent. This course will provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to provide culturally competent and responsive care to all patients. Topics covered include cultural competency, national standards, barriers to cultural competency, unconscious bias, gender disparities, identity and expression, and strategies to provide care that is equitable, diverse, and inclusive.

TransGeneration: A Foundation for Working with Transgender and Gender Diverse Older Adults

This course meets the regulatory requirements for diversity training related to LGBT populations for the State of Massachusetts. It provides an overview of principles and considerations that should be taken into account when working with transgender and gender diverse older adults. This course orients the learner to appropriate terminology, concepts and best practices to better serve gender diverse populations.

TransGeneration: A Foundation for Working with Transgender and Gender Diverse Older Adults

This course meets the regulatory requirements for diversity training related to LGBT populations for the State of Massachusetts. It provides an overview of principles and considerations that should be taken into account when working with transgender and gender diverse older adults. This course orients the learner to appropriate terminology, concepts and best practices to better serve gender diverse populations.

Acoso en el lugar de trabajo California

El acoso se define como cualquier conducta no deseada que puede basarse en la edad, el sexo, la raza, la religion, el origen nacional o la discapacidad. Seg?n la EEOC, El acoso se convierte en ilegal cuando 1) soportar la conducta ofensiva se convierte en una condicion para continuar con el empleo, o 2) la conducta es lo suficientemente severa o generalizada como para crear un ambiente de trabajo que una persona razonable considerar?a intimidatorio, hostil o abusivo. El acoso que cumple con estos criterios se considera una forma de discriminacion en el empleo en violacion del T?tulo VII de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, la Ley de Discriminacion en el Empleo por Edad de 1967 (ADEA) y la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990 (ADA). Este curso satisface los requisitos federales de capacitacion en materia de acoso y se centra en las responsabilidades de los empleadores y empleados para identificar, informar y prevenir el acoso en el lugar de trabajo.

EEOC, Spanish
Acoso en el lugar de trabajo California

El acoso se define como cualquier conducta no deseada que puede basarse en la edad, el sexo, la raza, la religion, el origen nacional o la discapacidad. Seg?n la EEOC, El acoso se convierte en ilegal cuando 1) soportar la conducta ofensiva se convierte en una condicion para continuar con el empleo, o 2) la conducta es lo suficientemente severa o generalizada como para crear un ambiente de trabajo que una persona razonable considerar?a intimidatorio, hostil o abusivo. El acoso que cumple con estos criterios se considera una forma de discriminacion en el empleo en violacion del T?tulo VII de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, la Ley de Discriminacion en el Empleo por Edad de 1967 (ADEA) y la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990 (ADA). Este curso satisface los requisitos federales de capacitacion en materia de acoso y se centra en las responsabilidades de los empleadores y empleados para identificar, informar y prevenir el acoso en el lugar de trabajo.

Speech Language Pathology Services in American Public Schools

Speech disorders occur when a person is unable to produce speech sounds correctly or fluently, or has problems with their voice or resonance. Language disorders occur when a person has trouble understanding others (receptive language), or sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults.

Speech Language Pathology Services in American Public Schools

Speech disorders occur when a person is unable to produce speech sounds correctly or fluently, or has problems with their voice or resonance. Language disorders occur when a person has trouble understanding others (receptive language), or sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults.

Multicultural Approaches to Mental Health

As the U.S. becomes more culturally diverse, culturally sensitive medical services need to expand beyond physical health to mental health. A person’s culture impacts a person’s perception of health and illness, from how they define health and disease, their attitudes as a consumer of services, and the view of the healthcare providers.
This course defines and discusses the importance of multicultural counseling, the prevalence of mental illness in different cultures, and the impact culture has on a person’s mental health perceptions and reviews multicultural approaches to mental health. Course expiration date: 4/20/2026

ANCC, Behavioral Health, EEOC, SAMHSA
Multicultural Approaches to Mental Health

As the U.S. becomes more culturally diverse, culturally sensitive medical services need to expand beyond physical health to mental health. A person’s culture impacts a person’s perception of health and illness, from how they define health and disease, their attitudes as a consumer of services, and the view of the healthcare providers.
This course defines and discusses the importance of multicultural counseling, the prevalence of mental illness in different cultures, and the impact culture has on a person’s mental health perceptions and reviews multicultural approaches to mental health. Course expiration date: 4/20/2026

Unlawful Harassment for Managers (Case Studies)

Course overview
Under federal and state legislation, unlawful harassment occurs when someone is made to feel intimidated, insulted, or humiliated because of their race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and other characteristics specified under anti-discrimination human rights legislation. This course will highlight the different types of unlawful harassment, inappropriate behavior versus unlawful behavior, retaliation, federal and state laws. and consequences for not abiding by the laws, also the course contains case studies aimed at sexual harassment prevention.
This course is designed to provide healthcare workers to identify and prevent unlawful harassment and workplace violence, for providing a safe and healthful workplace for their workers. Harassment causes mental, physical, and economic harm to those who experience it, and it decreases productivity and satisfaction at the workplace.

EEOC, Generally Applicable, Leadership & Management
Unlawful Harassment for Managers (Case Studies)

Course overview
Under federal and state legislation, unlawful harassment occurs when someone is made to feel intimidated, insulted, or humiliated because of their race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and other characteristics specified under anti-discrimination human rights legislation. This course will highlight the different types of unlawful harassment, inappropriate behavior versus unlawful behavior, retaliation, federal and state laws. and consequences for not abiding by the laws, also the course contains case studies aimed at sexual harassment prevention.
This course is designed to provide healthcare workers to identify and prevent unlawful harassment and workplace violence, for providing a safe and healthful workplace for their workers. Harassment causes mental, physical, and economic harm to those who experience it, and it decreases productivity and satisfaction at the workplace.

Marijuana State Laws and Employer Rights

Employers today are presented with unique challenges when setting workplace policies regarding marijuana usage. Despite many attempts over the years to have marijuana removed from the Schedule I category, it remains on this list today. Regardless, many states have legalized the medical use of marijuana, and some have even legalized its recreational use. Because of this conflict between state and federal legislation regarding the use of marijuana, employers are often left with challenging situations regarding the establishment of workplace policies on marijuana use. This course provides an overview of marijuana policies in the workplace, federal and state laws regarding marijuana, and employer and employee rights. Course expiration date: 6/30/2025

ANCC, EEOC, Generally Applicable, Leadership & Management
Marijuana State Laws and Employer Rights

Employers today are presented with unique challenges when setting workplace policies regarding marijuana usage. Despite many attempts over the years to have marijuana removed from the Schedule I category, it remains on this list today. Regardless, many states have legalized the medical use of marijuana, and some have even legalized its recreational use. Because of this conflict between state and federal legislation regarding the use of marijuana, employers are often left with challenging situations regarding the establishment of workplace policies on marijuana use. This course provides an overview of marijuana policies in the workplace, federal and state laws regarding marijuana, and employer and employee rights. Course expiration date: 6/30/2025

An Overview of the American with Disabilities Act

The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990. It is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of life, which includes jobs, schools, transportation, and access to all public and private places open to the general public. This course will provide a high-level overview of five titles of the ADA.

EEOC, Generally Applicable, Health & Wellness
An Overview of the American with Disabilities Act

The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990. It is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of life, which includes jobs, schools, transportation, and access to all public and private places open to the general public. This course will provide a high-level overview of five titles of the ADA.