About Infini Cosmetic Associates: By the Numbers

Founded in 2001

Scottsdale, AZ

15 employees

Physician owned

The Challenge

Infini Cosmetic Associates faced significant inefficiencies in their training process that required three full-time staff members to invest considerable time and effort.

The Solution

MedTrainer offered a way to efficiently assign courses, track progress, and issue completion certificates so Infini Cosmetic Associates could meet training requirements and keep their AAAHC accreditation.

The Results

Infini Cosmetic Associates reduced their workload by 90% from three fulltime employees to just a fraction of one person’s job, allowing them to dedicate more time to procedures and patient care while maintaining their AAAHC accreditation.

Infini's Success With MedTrainer


decrease in work hours

Read the Full Case Study

Infini + MedTrainer

Simplifying Required Training

Working in Search and Rescue Mode

The team at Infini Cosmetic Associates relied on three full-time employees, including a nurse, to conduct in-person training sessions, search for online courses, or create learning materials to cover essential topics such as hand hygiene, HIPAA compliance, and waste disposal.

Lightening the Training Load

Infini’s manager, Shannon Martinson, led the effort to explore solutions, considering other providers but ultimately choosing MedTrainer for its user-friendly dashboard, extensive library of courses, and competitive pricing that suited their small office with a limited number of employees.

From Struggle to Smooth Sailing

Infini Cosmetic Associates has been using MedTrainer since 2022, and they consider the adoption of MedTrainer a resounding success. It no longer takes three full-time staff members to piecemeal training together every year. The software streamlined the training process, allowing Martinson to easily find and assign the right courses, track progress, and automatically send out reminders for completion.

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MedTrainer Learning

decrease in work hours

"MedTrainer was definitely a success because it took a huge job off of me and two other employees who used to manage training. Now I can assign the courses, it reminds the staff when to get them done, and I can see their progress. It just really streamlined and simplified education for the office.”

Shannon Martinson, Manager, Infini Cosmetic Associates
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"Prior to MedTrainer, we spent hours creating and searching for training materials. It involved various websites, taking mini-courses to assess their suitability, and sometimes having to give out credit card information all over the internet trying to piece trainings together.”

Shannon Martinson
Manager, Infini Cosmetic Associates

See MedTrainer in Action