About Promeniq: By the Numbers

5 states

16 locations

100+ employees

20+ providers

The Challenge

Inconsistent processes, disorganized tracking and documentation, and disparate training were putting the organization at risk and slowing growth.

The Solution

MedTrainer centralizes, standardizes, and automates training and policy management across the growing organization to reduce employee workload.

The Results

Promeniq is saving 21.5 weeks a year across the organization, which gives staff time to focus on scaling the business through additional providers and locations.

Promeniq's Success With MedTrainer


weeks saved a year


hours a month saved per market director


seconds to access training reports across 16 locations

Read the Full Case Study

Promeniq + MedTrainer

Setting the Stage for Growth

The Cost of Disconnection

Promeniq’s rapid growth means they are always onboarding new employees. With more than 100 employees, even seemingly simple tasks — like looking for training materials, knowing who had been trained on what, or getting in touch with someone regarding a policy acknowledgment — were time consuming.

MedTrainer Centralizes Crucial Work

Promeniq consolidated training and document management for all 16 locations using MedTrainer’s cloud-based platform. Transitioning from in-person training to MedTrainer courses immediately saved market directors hours each month in training prep and facilitation.

Less Workload, More Compliance, Higher Growth

Promeniq has freed up almost 20 hours a month for each market director, making growth more manageable. With everything in the MedTrainer platform, Promeniq was finally able to standardize all training and compliance materials, significantly streamlining the expansion process.


MedTrainer Learning
Documents & Policies

seconds to send reminders

"We're not trying to track down a bunch of different documents in our Google Drive. Everything is already in MedTrainer. Simply reviewing who is past due or sending reminders takes me all of 30 seconds."

Jenn Feliciano Executive Administrator, Promeniq
Untitled design (14)

"There's definitely a lot of time saved in a bunch of different areas. Having the power to create our own training documents, policies, and protocols, and having them housed in one area in itself is invaluable."

Jenn Feliciano
Executive Administrator, Promeniq

See MedTrainer in Action