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Managing Healthcare Compliance in South Carolina

Sarah Jones
Outline of South Carolina over a healthcare photo

One critical aspect of managing healthcare compliance in South Carolina is the adherence to both federal laws and state-specific regulations, including those pertaining to telehealth, which has seen significant growth in the state. There are also unique credentialing opportunities meant to assist with the credentialing process that both providers and facilities should know. 

To ensure healthcare services are delivered in accordance with state guidelines, healthcare providers, compliance professionals, and administrators need to be aware of all relevant and changing regulations. Each organization needs a system in place for keeping their standards up to date and efficiently relaying the information to staff. Read on for vital information about maintaining healthcare compliance in South Carolina.  

South Carolina Healthcare Compliance Resources

Let’s start with the important state government agencies you’ll need to work with:

These agencies help maintain the integrity and quality of healthcare services in South Carolina, protecting the public and promoting patient safety. The resources provided by these South Carolina state agencies are essential for promoting public health, ensuring access to healthcare, supporting healthcare professionals, and enhancing overall health outcomes for the residents of South Carolina.

Regulations Unique to South Carolina

To meet the standards of healthcare compliance in South Carolina, there are a few additional regulations.

Telehealth Requirements

One distinctive aspect to South Carolina healthcare regulation is its approach to telehealth. The state has been proactive in expanding telehealth services, especially in rural and underserved areas. The state’s Medicaid program embraces telehealth, and reimburses a variety of services, including live video, remote patient monitoring, and audio-only consultations, contingent on medical necessity and alignment with the patient’s diagnosis. Of note, the state’s regulations emphasize secure, encrypted audio and video communication between healthcare providers and their patients, ensuring both effectiveness and confidentiality. Furthermore, telemedicine equipment must meet technical standards for transmission speed and image resolution, and staff must be proficient in its operation.

Licensing Standards for Ambulatory Surgery Centers

In South Carolina, ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) are specifically regulated to ensure safe and efficient surgical care. These facilities must adhere to the state’s regulatory framework outlined by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control in Regulation 61-91 Standards for Licensing Ambulatory Surgical Facilities. Additionally, South Carolina ASCs are subject to the State Certification of Need and Health Facility Licensure Act (Section 44-7-110, et seq.), which further ensures that they meet state-mandated health and safety standards. It is an organization’s responsibility to properly interpret and correctly apply these laws to avoid non-compliance, fees, and damaging citations.​

Tips To Manage Healthcare Compliance in South Carolina

Effectively managing healthcare compliance in South Carolina is a critical responsibility for healthcare organizations, as it ensures the delivery of high-quality care while adhering to legal and regulatory requirements. Here are some key strategies to help healthcare organizations manage compliance effectively:

  • Conduct State-Specific Training: Provide ongoing training and education to staff that is customized to your state’s regulations as well as your facility. If using a learning management system, ensure the vendor offers South Carolina-approved training.
  • Organize Policies By Requirement: Including “SC” in every document that is required by the state will make it much easier for you to find these documents in an online system when a surveyor is onsite. It is also best practice to include the standard you are meeting for additional clarity.
  • Establish a System for Monitoring Risk: Being able to identify compliance risks before they become incidents or violations can save the entire organization time and money. Identifying trends and consistently reviewing reports can signal issues, such as training not being completed or a large number of incidents in one location.
  • Use Compliance Management Software: Accreditation surveyors say organizations that use compliance software are more prepared for onsite visits and surveys. The software helps to keep documents and policies organized, ensures training content is up to date, and makes reporting easy.

By implementing these strategies and fostering a culture of compliance within your healthcare organization, you can effectively manage healthcare compliance, reduce risks, and provide the best possible care to your patients while staying within legal boundaries.

Credentialing Compliance in South Carolina

For healthcare providers in South Carolina, the credentialing process is overseen by the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners under the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (LLR). One particularly unique and notable avenue for qualified providers looking to transition into South Carolina is the LLR’s Military Spouse Licensure program. As one of the most military-friendly states in the United States, licensed professionals married to active duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces stationed in South Carolina, may be eligible for expedited licensure. This program eases the licensing process for military spouses who are already licensed in other states, allowing for a smoother transition to practice in South Carolina. The initiative reflects the state’s support for the professional needs of military families, ensuring continuity of practice for healthcare providers moving due to military obligations.

Meet South Carolina Compliance Requirements With MedTrainer 

While the path may be complex, healthcare providers who prioritize compliance will not only avoid legal troubles but also enhance the quality of care they provide to their patients in South Carolina

MedTrainer’s all-in-one compliance platform can streamline management of South Carolina healthcare compliance. MedTrainer seamlessly consolidates your organization’s policies, incident reports, safety plans, HR documents, contracts, and more. This centralized repository ensures all employees have easy access to essential information. The course library is curated to align with regulatory and accreditation requirements, and courses are regularly added and updated to ensure the most current information. Learn more about MedTrainer today!