Choosing the best healthcare learning software is more than the sum of available courses. The healthcare industry is unique, with a steady stream of new requirements and safety measures. You want a partner just as committed as you are — to ensure compliance and top-notch patient care.

In this blog post, I’ll share the features you should look for and your expectations, but more than that, I’ll help you see the value a true partner can provide.

The Importance of Healthcare Learning Software

Healthcare learning software, or a learning management system (LMS), has transformed how training is delivered and managed. There are many training software options, but many are very generalized, offering courses for manufacturing and healthcare industries. The problem with these platforms is that the training isn’t focused on healthcare scenarios, making them less applicable to employees. Here are some key reasons why you should look for healthcare learning software:

  • Specific Regulatory Training: Healthcare organizations are subject to stringent regulatory requirements. While some overlap with other industries (such as OSHA), many others are unique to healthcare. 
  • Standardized Training: In healthcare, even a tiny variation in procedure can make a big impact, so all employees must receive the same, high-quality education regardless of location.
  • Tracking and Reporting: Healthcare organizations are subject to various regulatory and accreditation agency surveys. They need the ability to track and report on training activities easily. 
  • Flexibility and Accessibility: Healthcare employees have irregular schedules and are frequently not at the exact location. Offering online training that can be paused and resumed makes it much easier for employees to complete.
  • Employee Engagement and Retention: Scenario-based training is a requirement in healthcare, and it also helps employees stay engaged in training and feel supported in their professional development.

Key Features of the Best Healthcare Learning Software

When evaluating healthcare learning software, certain features contribute to its effectiveness and suitability for healthcare settings. Here are some of the critical features to look for:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Healthcare workers often adopt technology more slowly, so the best healthcare learning software should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface. This ensures that users can easily navigate the platform and access the necessary training materials regardless of their technical proficiency.
  2. Regulatory and Accreditation Content: The comprehensive library should include courses that meet all healthcare regulatory and accreditation standards. Every organization won’t need every course, but every course you need should be there — with the confidence it will meet requirements.
  3. Continuous Updates: Since state and federal healthcare regulations often change, the best healthcare learning software monitors policy changes and can quickly update courses to remain in compliance.
  4. Customizable Training Paths: The ability to customize training paths based on role, department, or location makes assigning courses easier and ensures each employee receives relevant and targeted training.
  5. Interactive and Engaging Content: Engaging content, including interactive modules, videos, and quizzes, helps keep learners interested and improves knowledge retention. The best healthcare learning software incorporates multimedia elements to create a rich learning experience.
  6. Mobile Compatibility: Healthcare workers rarely work behind a desk, so mobile compatibility is key. Look for software with an employee dashboard and automated reminders to make training completion as simple as possible.
  7. Integration Capabilities: The ability to integrate with other systems, such as human resource information systems (HRIS), eliminates redundant data entry and reduces the chance of errors.
  8. Compliance Management: Customizable reporting and automated tracking keep records that enable healthcare organizations to stay survey-ready. Automated reminders and notifications help keep track of mandatory training deadlines and certifications.
  9. Automated Certificate Issuing: An auditor often asks to see a specific employee’s training records. With automated certificate issuing, it’s easy to comply. Providing the certificate to employees if they leave your facility is also simple, streamlining the offboarding process.

Questions To Ask To Find the Right Healthcare Learning Partner

As I said, selecting the best healthcare learning software is more than looking for features. You want a partner to help you navigate the complex healthcare regulatory environment and provide more value than technology. Check out these best practices to avoid technology wrong turns.

Consider the following questions in your selection process:

How do you keep up with healthcare regulations?

There’s not really a right answer to this question, but it will give you a good idea if the vendor has a process or is someone with expertise in healthcare policy. 

How quickly can you update courses?

Vendors who are familiar with the healthcare industry know that regulations often change. They should be able to update courses within a week or two. If you get a more vague answer or the vendor isn’t updating courses more frequently, then it might not be the best healthcare learning software.

Does the vendor offer demos and trials?

Choose an LMS vendor that offers demos and trial periods before you ask. Test their software and determine how it fits your organization’s education and training needs.

What do other users say?

Gather feedback about the software’s effectiveness and ease of use from internal and external sources. Read reviews on sites such as G2.

Does the vendor provide ongoing support and training?

Are service calls answered by professionals who know every aspect of the software? Do they resolve issues in hours or a couple of days, not weeks? Does the vendor offer benefits to partnering beyond just the software?


WEBINAR: Tips and Tricks to Improve the Scalability of Your Compliance Training

Make the Right Choice for Healthcare Learning Software

There are many healthcare learning software options, but the best is part of an all-in-one platform that saves time, scales with your organization as it grows, and ensures compliance with relevant regulations and laws.

MedTrainer Learning is built for healthcare, and thousands of organizations use MedTrainer to simplify training and compliance needs. Here’s what our LMS offers:

  • Healthcare-specific courses that are consistently updated
  • Vendor knowledge about healthcare regulations and policy-making
  • Courses that are designed to meet multiple standards to reduce the load
  • Customizable reporting that can be set up for your regulatory or accreditation requirements
  • Automated course completion reminders
  • Ability to create or upload facility-specific courses

Our experts will help your organization get the most out of your education and training experience. Contact us to learn more.