Regulated Medical Waste
Course overview
This course provides an overview of the management of regulated medical waste, including its identification, handling, packaging, transportation, and disposal. It also covers the FDA requirements for sharps containers and the Needlestick Prevention Act. The course uses the example of medical waste generated by patients with known or suspected COVID-19 virus to illustrate the proper management practices.
This course is designed to equip health professionals with knowledge of safety standards to ensure compliance with OSHA regulations regarding the management of regulated medical waste. Participants will gain an understanding of OSHA requirements for handling, packaging, transportation, and disposal of regulated medical waste, as well as the necessary precautions to prevent sharps injuries and the spread of infectious diseases.
Regulated Medical Waste
Course overview
This course provides an overview of the management of regulated medical waste, including its identification, handling, packaging, transportation, and disposal. It also covers the FDA requirements for sharps containers and the Needlestick Prevention Act. The course uses the example of medical waste generated by patients with known or suspected COVID-19 virus to illustrate the proper management practices.
This course is designed to equip health professionals with knowledge of safety standards to ensure compliance with OSHA regulations regarding the management of regulated medical waste. Participants will gain an understanding of OSHA requirements for handling, packaging, transportation, and disposal of regulated medical waste, as well as the necessary precautions to prevent sharps injuries and the spread of infectious diseases.

Management of Biomedical Waste in Florida
Doctors, medical staff, nurses, environmental services employees, and anyone else who comes into contact with biomedical waste harbors some type of fear about being infected with HIV or Hepatitis. Exposure to biomedical waste can cause traumatic injury, both physical and mental, that also carries the risk of life-threatening infections.
This video, produced by the Florida Department of Health, teaches Floridas regulations for the handling, packaging, labeling, and transportation of biomedical, biohazardous, and infectious medical waste.
Management of Biomedical Waste in Florida
Doctors, medical staff, nurses, environmental services employees, and anyone else who comes into contact with biomedical waste harbors some type of fear about being infected with HIV or Hepatitis. Exposure to biomedical waste can cause traumatic injury, both physical and mental, that also carries the risk of life-threatening infections.
This video, produced by the Florida Department of Health, teaches Floridas regulations for the handling, packaging, labeling, and transportation of biomedical, biohazardous, and infectious medical waste.

Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP): A Refresher
Bloodborne pathogens (BBP) are infectious microorganisms which are present in human blood and can cause and spread disease in humans. Workers in numerous occupations, including healthcare personnel, may be at risk for exposure to bloodborne pathogens. The CDC, estimates that 5.6 million employees working in health care and related occupations are at risk for occupational exposure to BBPs.
This course will serve as a refresher on bloodborne pathogens. Youll learn about who is at risk for infection, how infection is spread, and how you can protect yourself and others from BBP exposure. This includes topics such as learning about common bloodborne pathogens, routes of exposure, how infection is spread, best practices for avoiding exposure to bloodborne pathogens, hand hygiene, proper sharps disposal, and personal protective equipment.
By understanding the basics of bloodborne pathogens, healthcare workers can minimize the risk of BBP exposure in the workplace.
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP): A Refresher
Bloodborne pathogens (BBP) are infectious microorganisms which are present in human blood and can cause and spread disease in humans. Workers in numerous occupations, including healthcare personnel, may be at risk for exposure to bloodborne pathogens. The CDC, estimates that 5.6 million employees working in health care and related occupations are at risk for occupational exposure to BBPs.
This course will serve as a refresher on bloodborne pathogens. Youll learn about who is at risk for infection, how infection is spread, and how you can protect yourself and others from BBP exposure. This includes topics such as learning about common bloodborne pathogens, routes of exposure, how infection is spread, best practices for avoiding exposure to bloodborne pathogens, hand hygiene, proper sharps disposal, and personal protective equipment.
By understanding the basics of bloodborne pathogens, healthcare workers can minimize the risk of BBP exposure in the workplace.

Principles of Cleaning and Disinfecting Environmental Surfaces
Organism resistance to antibiotics continues to rise. Contaminated environmental surfaces have been linked to healthcare-associated infections (HAI). Proper cleaning and disinfecting of environmental surfaces is a crucial step to reducing HAIs. This course will explain the chain of infection related to environmental surfaces, discuss the prevalence of pathogens found on environmental surfaces, and review evidence-based guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces.
Principles of Cleaning and Disinfecting Environmental Surfaces
Organism resistance to antibiotics continues to rise. Contaminated environmental surfaces have been linked to healthcare-associated infections (HAI). Proper cleaning and disinfecting of environmental surfaces is a crucial step to reducing HAIs. This course will explain the chain of infection related to environmental surfaces, discuss the prevalence of pathogens found on environmental surfaces, and review evidence-based guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces.

D.O.T. Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulations
In this course we will discuss the United States Department of Transportations regulatory authority over the handling of hazardous materials and how these laws affect commerce in America. To better understand D.O.T training, the course will explore history legislation pertaining to the hazardous materials, examine the hazardous materials regulations classification system for hazardous materials, known as the Hazardous Materials Table, identify the marking and labeling requirements for packages containing hazardous materials, and explore D.O.T training requirements.
D.O.T. Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulations
In this course we will discuss the United States Department of Transportations regulatory authority over the handling of hazardous materials and how these laws affect commerce in America. To better understand D.O.T training, the course will explore history legislation pertaining to the hazardous materials, examine the hazardous materials regulations classification system for hazardous materials, known as the Hazardous Materials Table, identify the marking and labeling requirements for packages containing hazardous materials, and explore D.O.T training requirements.

Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention (1 Hour)
Course overview
This comprehensive course focuses on workplace violence prevention, in line with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines. Participants will learn to identify signs of workplace aggression, report suspicious or threatening situations, and effectively respond to incidents of violence. The course emphasizes the importance of early intervention and collaboration between managers and employees to maintain a safe work environment. Real-life incidents are examined to provide practical insights and strategies for prevention and mitigation. By completing this course, participants will be equipped to create a culture of safety, reduce the risk of workplace violence, and ensure the well-being of all employees.
This course is designed to provide knowledge and skills to prevent and respond to workplace violence. By recognizing early warning signs, reporting threats, and implementing effective strategies, participants will contribute to creating a safe and secure work environment for all employees.
Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention (1 Hour)
Course overview
This comprehensive course focuses on workplace violence prevention, in line with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines. Participants will learn to identify signs of workplace aggression, report suspicious or threatening situations, and effectively respond to incidents of violence. The course emphasizes the importance of early intervention and collaboration between managers and employees to maintain a safe work environment. Real-life incidents are examined to provide practical insights and strategies for prevention and mitigation. By completing this course, participants will be equipped to create a culture of safety, reduce the risk of workplace violence, and ensure the well-being of all employees.
This course is designed to provide knowledge and skills to prevent and respond to workplace violence. By recognizing early warning signs, reporting threats, and implementing effective strategies, participants will contribute to creating a safe and secure work environment for all employees.

Respiratory Protection for Healthcare Workers
Course overview
This course provides a basic understanding of the different types of respirators used in the workplace for worker protection, and orients the learner on their proper use. OSHA standard 1910.134(d)(3)(i) specifies that employers are required to provide a respirator that is adequate to protect the health of the employee and ensure compliance with all other OSHA statutory and regulatory requirements, under routine and reasonably foreseeable emergency situations. The content in this course is retrieved from resources provided by the US Department of Labor, and is current as of 2023.
This course is designed to equip health professionals with knowledge of infection control and safety standards for the use of respirators, specified by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Respiratory Protection for Healthcare Workers
Course overview
This course provides a basic understanding of the different types of respirators used in the workplace for worker protection, and orients the learner on their proper use. OSHA standard 1910.134(d)(3)(i) specifies that employers are required to provide a respirator that is adequate to protect the health of the employee and ensure compliance with all other OSHA statutory and regulatory requirements, under routine and reasonably foreseeable emergency situations. The content in this course is retrieved from resources provided by the US Department of Labor, and is current as of 2023.
This course is designed to equip health professionals with knowledge of infection control and safety standards for the use of respirators, specified by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Allergic Reaction to Gloves
Disposable gloves provide a front-line defense for protection against bloodborne pathogens and infection . As a medical professional, being familiar with disposable gloves is essential for maintaining a safe work place. During this course, we will review the various types of allergic reactions associated with latex gloves, as well as the available alternatives to latex glove products. Topics covered include: the three specific categories of latex allergies and the type of gloves that are recommended during specific procedures or potential exposures.
Allergic Reaction to Gloves
Disposable gloves provide a front-line defense for protection against bloodborne pathogens and infection . As a medical professional, being familiar with disposable gloves is essential for maintaining a safe work place. During this course, we will review the various types of allergic reactions associated with latex gloves, as well as the available alternatives to latex glove products. Topics covered include: the three specific categories of latex allergies and the type of gloves that are recommended during specific procedures or potential exposures.

Understanding OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard & CMS Vaccine Mandates
This webinar contains essential information about Covid-19 Emergency Standards and new vaccinations requirements for healthcare organizations. It also provides an overview of Vaccines Mandates, OSHA emergency temporary Standards, oppositional state laws and federal prohibitions.
Understanding OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard & CMS Vaccine Mandates
This webinar contains essential information about Covid-19 Emergency Standards and new vaccinations requirements for healthcare organizations. It also provides an overview of Vaccines Mandates, OSHA emergency temporary Standards, oppositional state laws and federal prohibitions.