Navigating the Changing OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard & CMS Vaccine Mandates
This webinar provides an overview of the Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate for employers in OSHAs Emergency Temporary Standard. It discusses the Condition of Participation in Medicare and Medicaid as well as recommended strategies for ensuring compliance and avoiding penalties.
Navigating the Changing OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard & CMS Vaccine Mandates
This webinar provides an overview of the Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate for employers in OSHAs Emergency Temporary Standard. It discusses the Condition of Participation in Medicare and Medicaid as well as recommended strategies for ensuring compliance and avoiding penalties.

Rethinking Disaster Preparedness and Response After a Pandemic
Pandemics are wide-reaching infectious disease outbreaks that affect large geographic regions across the globe. Pandemics impact on societies could be devastating due to the significant health, social, economic, and political disruption. Historical analysis of major pandemics and the challenges imposed by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have revealed several preparedness and response gaps. There is a need to rethink preparedness and response planning to better prepare for future pandemics.
This course will cover the general framework of pandemic preparedness and response. Moreover, the significant gaps and limitations of the current preparedness and response strategies will be highlighted. Approaches to overcome these limitations to better respond to future pandemics will also be discussed.
Rethinking Disaster Preparedness and Response After a Pandemic
Pandemics are wide-reaching infectious disease outbreaks that affect large geographic regions across the globe. Pandemics impact on societies could be devastating due to the significant health, social, economic, and political disruption. Historical analysis of major pandemics and the challenges imposed by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have revealed several preparedness and response gaps. There is a need to rethink preparedness and response planning to better prepare for future pandemics.
This course will cover the general framework of pandemic preparedness and response. Moreover, the significant gaps and limitations of the current preparedness and response strategies will be highlighted. Approaches to overcome these limitations to better respond to future pandemics will also be discussed.

Critical Incident Stress Management for Healthcare Workers: Returning to Work After a Pandemic
Critical Incident Stress Management for Healthcare Workers: Returning to Work After a Pandemic

Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)
Course overview
This comprehensive course addresses the risks associated with occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens (BBPs) and aims to provide healthcare personnel and individuals in high-risk occupations with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect themselves and others. Participants will learn about the nature of BBPs, their presence in human blood, and the potential for causing and spreading diseases. The course covers essential topics, including common BBPs, routes of exposure, best practices, and standards for avoiding exposure. Participants will also gain insights into proper sharps disposal, methods for compliance with OSHA and other standards, and incident reporting in case of exposure. By completing this training, employees and employers can minimize the risk of BBP exposure in the workplace, ensuring a safe and healthful environment in compliance with OSHA regulations.
The goal of this course is to equip healthcare personnel and high-risk individuals with knowledge and skills to prevent occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens (BBPs). Participants will learn about BBP risks, prevention best practices, compliance with safety standards, proper sharps disposal, and incident reporting. The course aims to create a safe working environment while meeting OSHA requirements.
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)
Course overview
This comprehensive course addresses the risks associated with occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens (BBPs) and aims to provide healthcare personnel and individuals in high-risk occupations with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect themselves and others. Participants will learn about the nature of BBPs, their presence in human blood, and the potential for causing and spreading diseases. The course covers essential topics, including common BBPs, routes of exposure, best practices, and standards for avoiding exposure. Participants will also gain insights into proper sharps disposal, methods for compliance with OSHA and other standards, and incident reporting in case of exposure. By completing this training, employees and employers can minimize the risk of BBP exposure in the workplace, ensuring a safe and healthful environment in compliance with OSHA regulations.
The goal of this course is to equip healthcare personnel and high-risk individuals with knowledge and skills to prevent occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens (BBPs). Participants will learn about BBP risks, prevention best practices, compliance with safety standards, proper sharps disposal, and incident reporting. The course aims to create a safe working environment while meeting OSHA requirements.

Evaluación de Riesgos USP <800>*
Este curso est? dirigido a profesionales de la salud y personal de apoyo que puedan entrar en contacto con medicamentos peligrosos en su espacio de trabajo, a trav?s de un encuentro con un paciente, empaque de medicamentos peligrosos, eliminacion o por accidente.
Este curso proporcionar? una vision general de las drogas peligrosas y las responsabilidades de los empleadores y empleados. Se requiere que su empleador identifique todas las HD y le informe sobre los riesgos y los m?todos para protegerse a s? mismo y a los dem?s para todos los medicamentos peligrosos que est?n presentes en su organizacion de atencion m?dica. Es responsabilidad del empleado comprender su rol y limitaciones con respecto a las drogas peligrosas, y qu? hacer en caso de un derrame o exposicion.
Evaluación de Riesgos USP <800>*
Este curso est? dirigido a profesionales de la salud y personal de apoyo que puedan entrar en contacto con medicamentos peligrosos en su espacio de trabajo, a trav?s de un encuentro con un paciente, empaque de medicamentos peligrosos, eliminacion o por accidente.
Este curso proporcionar? una vision general de las drogas peligrosas y las responsabilidades de los empleadores y empleados. Se requiere que su empleador identifique todas las HD y le informe sobre los riesgos y los m?todos para protegerse a s? mismo y a los dem?s para todos los medicamentos peligrosos que est?n presentes en su organizacion de atencion m?dica. Es responsabilidad del empleado comprender su rol y limitaciones con respecto a las drogas peligrosas, y qu? hacer en caso de un derrame o exposicion.

Description general de la USP <800> para Profesionales de la Salud y Personal de Apoyo
Descripcion general de la USP <800> para profesionales de la salud y personal de apoyo N?mero de version: Este curso est? dirigido a profesionales de la salud y personal de apoyo que pueden entrar en contacto con medicamentos peligrosos en su espacio de trabajo, a trav?s de un encuentro con un paciente, un empaque de medicamentos peligrosos, al descartar medicamentos, o por accidente.
Description general de la USP <800> para Profesionales de la Salud y Personal de Apoyo
Descripcion general de la USP <800> para profesionales de la salud y personal de apoyo N?mero de version: Este curso est? dirigido a profesionales de la salud y personal de apoyo que pueden entrar en contacto con medicamentos peligrosos en su espacio de trabajo, a trav?s de un encuentro con un paciente, un empaque de medicamentos peligrosos, al descartar medicamentos, o por accidente.

Reducing Physical Risks
This activity will define ergonomics and work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs), discuss the prevalence of WRMSDs, review evidence-based guidelines for reducing physical risk, and explain the effects WRMSDs have on population health.
Reducing Physical Risks
This activity will define ergonomics and work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs), discuss the prevalence of WRMSDs, review evidence-based guidelines for reducing physical risk, and explain the effects WRMSDs have on population health.

USP <800> Hazardous Drugs from Receipt to Use or Disposal
This course is intended for healthcare professionals and support staff that may have to inspect, store, transport, or safely manage a hazardous drug spill in their workspace through an encounter with a patient, packaging of hazardous drugs, disposal, or by accident.
We will briefly cover the USP <800> standards and other regulatory agencies that may have jurisdiction over the transportation, staff and patient safety, drug diversion prevention, and environmental protection from hazardous drugs. Course expiration date: 8/30/2025
USP <800> Hazardous Drugs from Receipt to Use or Disposal
This course is intended for healthcare professionals and support staff that may have to inspect, store, transport, or safely manage a hazardous drug spill in their workspace through an encounter with a patient, packaging of hazardous drugs, disposal, or by accident.
We will briefly cover the USP <800> standards and other regulatory agencies that may have jurisdiction over the transportation, staff and patient safety, drug diversion prevention, and environmental protection from hazardous drugs. Course expiration date: 8/30/2025

Assessment of Risk for Hazardous Drugs
In this course, we will review the steps needed to create and utilize a drug inventory list to identify hazardous drugs and substances and determine the applicable National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) table, or other hazardous properties to complete a basic Assessment of Risk as defined by USP 800.
The course will also provide guidance on the steps and practical examples on utilizing the drug inventory to create an Assessment of Risk platform. This will include how to determine if the Assessment of Risk and alternative containment strategies will meet the basic hazardous drug safety requirements for OSHA and USP 800 or if a complete application of the USP 800 standards are recommended. Course expiration date: 8/2/2025
Assessment of Risk for Hazardous Drugs
In this course, we will review the steps needed to create and utilize a drug inventory list to identify hazardous drugs and substances and determine the applicable National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) table, or other hazardous properties to complete a basic Assessment of Risk as defined by USP 800.
The course will also provide guidance on the steps and practical examples on utilizing the drug inventory to create an Assessment of Risk platform. This will include how to determine if the Assessment of Risk and alternative containment strategies will meet the basic hazardous drug safety requirements for OSHA and USP 800 or if a complete application of the USP 800 standards are recommended. Course expiration date: 8/2/2025