Healthcare Waste Management Series: Identification & Management of Hazardous Waste & Pharmaceuticals
This course provides an overview of hazardous waste, including hazardous pharmaceuticals, typically found in healthcare organizations and is intended for healthcare professionals and staff who may encounter hazardous substances in healthcare settings, including community health centers, acute care, ambulatory surgery centers, post-acute care such as nursing homes, and home health agencies. This course also includes best practices for handling hazardous pharmaceuticals using standards that are recognized by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention, commonly known as USP <800>. Course expiration date: 1/4/2026
Healthcare Waste Management Series: Identification & Management of Hazardous Waste & Pharmaceuticals
This course provides an overview of hazardous waste, including hazardous pharmaceuticals, typically found in healthcare organizations and is intended for healthcare professionals and staff who may encounter hazardous substances in healthcare settings, including community health centers, acute care, ambulatory surgery centers, post-acute care such as nursing homes, and home health agencies. This course also includes best practices for handling hazardous pharmaceuticals using standards that are recognized by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention, commonly known as USP <800>. Course expiration date: 1/4/2026

Active Shooter Training
Course overview
The course is written and developed for healthcare workers and covers recommended actions in the event of an active shooter situation. Topics covered include preparing for active shooters, talking to the police, developing company emergency action plans, recognizing potentially violent behavior in staff and coworkers. While active shooter training is not an explicit requirement listed in OSHA safety standards, it is widely recognized as a workplace safety provision to protect employees against workplace violence. As of 2023, several states across the United States have introduced legislation that may require employers to implement a required active shooter training program.
This course covers key safety strategies to prepare healthcare workers for active shooter situations.
Active Shooter Training
Course overview
The course is written and developed for healthcare workers and covers recommended actions in the event of an active shooter situation. Topics covered include preparing for active shooters, talking to the police, developing company emergency action plans, recognizing potentially violent behavior in staff and coworkers. While active shooter training is not an explicit requirement listed in OSHA safety standards, it is widely recognized as a workplace safety provision to protect employees against workplace violence. As of 2023, several states across the United States have introduced legislation that may require employers to implement a required active shooter training program.
This course covers key safety strategies to prepare healthcare workers for active shooter situations.

Hazardous Waste Handling and Cleanup for First Responders
This course will cover identification of hazardous waste and regulations for disposal in the context of spills. In addition, participants will learn spill preparedness, OSHAs role, and training requirements for first responders.
Hazardous Waste Handling and Cleanup for First Responders
This course will cover identification of hazardous waste and regulations for disposal in the context of spills. In addition, participants will learn spill preparedness, OSHAs role, and training requirements for first responders.

Bloodborne Pathogens: The Basics
Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause and spread disease. The CDC, estimates that 5.6 million employees working in health care are at risk for occupational exposure. This microlearning course will provide an overview of the basics.
Bloodborne Pathogens: The Basics
Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause and spread disease. The CDC, estimates that 5.6 million employees working in health care are at risk for occupational exposure. This microlearning course will provide an overview of the basics.

Patógenos Transmitidos por la Sangre
La sangre humana, sus componentes y los productos hechos a base de sangre humana. Bloodborne Pathogens significa microorganismos patologicos que est?n presentes en la sangre humana y pueden causar enfermedades a los humanos. Estos patogenos incluyen a hepatitis B (HBV) y el virus de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (HIV).
Patógenos Transmitidos por la Sangre
La sangre humana, sus componentes y los productos hechos a base de sangre humana. Bloodborne Pathogens significa microorganismos patologicos que est?n presentes en la sangre humana y pueden causar enfermedades a los humanos. Estos patogenos incluyen a hepatitis B (HBV) y el virus de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (HIV).

Higiene de manos
En este ca??tulo, revisaremos los tipos de bacterias y enfermedades extendidas por el toque de sus manos, datos estad?sticos en lo relativo a la higiene de manos, el uso y tipos de jabones de manos y desinfectantes, y t?cnicas de lavado de manos apropiadas para una m?xima proteccion.
Higiene de manos
En este ca??tulo, revisaremos los tipos de bacterias y enfermedades extendidas por el toque de sus manos, datos estad?sticos en lo relativo a la higiene de manos, el uso y tipos de jabones de manos y desinfectantes, y t?cnicas de lavado de manos apropiadas para una m?xima proteccion.

Employee Health and Wellness
According to a study done in December of 2012 of more than 1,000 small-business owners, 93% considered their employees physical and mental health to be important to their bottom line. Promoting employee health and wellness has many benefits that can positively affect the organizations productivity and financial results. During this course, we will review employee health and wellness programs and discuss the benefits they provide for both employees and employers. We will also look at how to implement employee health and wellness programs to reduce injuries, increase employee satisfaction, and to create a culture of safety.
Employee Health and Wellness
According to a study done in December of 2012 of more than 1,000 small-business owners, 93% considered their employees physical and mental health to be important to their bottom line. Promoting employee health and wellness has many benefits that can positively affect the organizations productivity and financial results. During this course, we will review employee health and wellness programs and discuss the benefits they provide for both employees and employers. We will also look at how to implement employee health and wellness programs to reduce injuries, increase employee satisfaction, and to create a culture of safety.

Radiation Orientation and Safe Work Practices
Course overview
Healthcare facilities that utilize radiation in any form must implement safety measures to prevent short and long-term exposure for all personnel at risk. These measures require organizations to designate qualified, adequately credentialed and trained staff to manage all radiation material, transmission equipment and waste according to federal and state regulations. This course will cover regulations and safety requirements for imaging standards for ionizing radiation, radioactive materials, and the use of radiograph equipment. Learners will also become familiar with key terms in radiation safety and be oriented to radioactive materials and radiation producing devices.
This training is designed to equip healthcare workers who handle or may have potential exposure to radioactive substances with knowledge of safety practices for exposure and injury prevention.
Radiation Orientation and Safe Work Practices
Course overview
Healthcare facilities that utilize radiation in any form must implement safety measures to prevent short and long-term exposure for all personnel at risk. These measures require organizations to designate qualified, adequately credentialed and trained staff to manage all radiation material, transmission equipment and waste according to federal and state regulations. This course will cover regulations and safety requirements for imaging standards for ionizing radiation, radioactive materials, and the use of radiograph equipment. Learners will also become familiar with key terms in radiation safety and be oriented to radioactive materials and radiation producing devices.
This training is designed to equip healthcare workers who handle or may have potential exposure to radioactive substances with knowledge of safety practices for exposure and injury prevention.

Medical Waste & Hazardous Waste Classifications
Course overview
This course covers the basic requirements for organizations and facilities whose employees handle Regulated Medical Waste (RMW), which is also referred to as infectious or biomedical waste. Learners will gain an understanding of the classifications of waste streams, and how these classifications relate to proper handling, segregation, and disposal. The course also covers waste minimization and recycling techniques to measure and decrease the carbon footprint of healthcare facilities.
This course is designed to equip healthcare workers with basic knowledge on how to appropriately classify Regulated Medical Waste and the importance of this classification to proper disposal. This training is required for healthcare workers who handle or may have potential exposure to hazardous waste.
Medical Waste & Hazardous Waste Classifications
Course overview
This course covers the basic requirements for organizations and facilities whose employees handle Regulated Medical Waste (RMW), which is also referred to as infectious or biomedical waste. Learners will gain an understanding of the classifications of waste streams, and how these classifications relate to proper handling, segregation, and disposal. The course also covers waste minimization and recycling techniques to measure and decrease the carbon footprint of healthcare facilities.
This course is designed to equip healthcare workers with basic knowledge on how to appropriately classify Regulated Medical Waste and the importance of this classification to proper disposal. This training is required for healthcare workers who handle or may have potential exposure to hazardous waste.