Combating the Opioid Epidemic in Indian Country
This course provides an overview of a toolkit that OIG developed titled Calculating Opioid Levels and Identifying Patients At Risk of Misuse or Overdose. This toolkit provides detailed steps for using prescription drug claims data to analyze patients opioid levels to identify certain patients at risk of opioid misuse or overdose. In another video, which reflects the views of and guidance from IHS, youll learn about the IHS Opioid Strategy and each of its five aims, including the specific steps IHS is taking to address the crisis. Importantly, these videos outline specific compliance actions you might consider taking to help combat the epidemic in your community.
This course is one of nine of the Compliance modules published by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services by their Office of Inspector General website. Additional compliance courses are listed below:
Compliance 101
Compliance 201 for Health Care Providers
Compliance for Governing Boards
Fraud, Waste and Abuse for Health Care Providers
Using Internal Controls
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Protecting Patients in AI/AN Communities
Quality of Care in IHS
Combating the Opioid Epidemic in Indian Country
This course provides an overview of a toolkit that OIG developed titled Calculating Opioid Levels and Identifying Patients At Risk of Misuse or Overdose. This toolkit provides detailed steps for using prescription drug claims data to analyze patients opioid levels to identify certain patients at risk of opioid misuse or overdose. In another video, which reflects the views of and guidance from IHS, youll learn about the IHS Opioid Strategy and each of its five aims, including the specific steps IHS is taking to address the crisis. Importantly, these videos outline specific compliance actions you might consider taking to help combat the epidemic in your community.
This course is one of nine of the Compliance modules published by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services by their Office of Inspector General website. Additional compliance courses are listed below:
Compliance 101
Compliance 201 for Health Care Providers
Compliance for Governing Boards
Fraud, Waste and Abuse for Health Care Providers
Using Internal Controls
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Protecting Patients in AI/AN Communities
Quality of Care in IHS

Emergency Preparedness and Response
This course is intended for those who are responsible for emergency preparedness and response in Indian health and human service programs such as Indian Health Service (IHS) hospitals or grants that provide services to Tribal members. However, as noted in the videos, everyone has a role in emergency preparedness and response so this series may be helpful to all, from front-line staff to executives to community members.
This course is one of nine of the Compliance modules published by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services by their Office of Inspector General website. Additional compliance courses are listed below:
Compliance 101
Compliance 201 for Health Care Providers
Compliance for Governing Boards
Fraud, Waste and Abuse for Health Care Providers
Using Internal Controls
Combating the Opiod Epidemic in Indian Country
Protecting Patients in AI/AN Communities
Quality of Care in IHS
Emergency Preparedness and Response
This course is intended for those who are responsible for emergency preparedness and response in Indian health and human service programs such as Indian Health Service (IHS) hospitals or grants that provide services to Tribal members. However, as noted in the videos, everyone has a role in emergency preparedness and response so this series may be helpful to all, from front-line staff to executives to community members.
This course is one of nine of the Compliance modules published by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services by their Office of Inspector General website. Additional compliance courses are listed below:
Compliance 101
Compliance 201 for Health Care Providers
Compliance for Governing Boards
Fraud, Waste and Abuse for Health Care Providers
Using Internal Controls
Combating the Opiod Epidemic in Indian Country
Protecting Patients in AI/AN Communities
Quality of Care in IHS

Using Internal Controls
This course uses the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government (aka the Green Book) framework to provide an overview of internal controls. The Green Book includes the following five components: 1) control environment, 2) risk assessment, 3) control activities, 4) information and communication, and 5) monitoring activities. Consider these components as a guide for implementing an internal control system.
This course is one of nine of the Compliance modules published by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services by their Office of Inspector General website. Additional compliance courses are listed below:
Compliance 101
Compliance 201 for Health Care Providers
Compliance for Governing Boards
Fraud, Waste and Abuse for Health Care Providers
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Combating the Opiod Epidemic in Indian Country
Protecting Patients in AI/AN Communities
Quality of Care in IHS
Using Internal Controls
This course uses the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government (aka the Green Book) framework to provide an overview of internal controls. The Green Book includes the following five components: 1) control environment, 2) risk assessment, 3) control activities, 4) information and communication, and 5) monitoring activities. Consider these components as a guide for implementing an internal control system.
This course is one of nine of the Compliance modules published by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services by their Office of Inspector General website. Additional compliance courses are listed below:
Compliance 101
Compliance 201 for Health Care Providers
Compliance for Governing Boards
Fraud, Waste and Abuse for Health Care Providers
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Combating the Opiod Epidemic in Indian Country
Protecting Patients in AI/AN Communities
Quality of Care in IHS

Coaching After Mistakes
In any managerial role, a primary responsibility is to coach others to be their best. This course is designed for managers and provides lessons to strengthen your coaching skills in particular when coaching after errors and mistakes.
Coaching After Mistakes
In any managerial role, a primary responsibility is to coach others to be their best. This course is designed for managers and provides lessons to strengthen your coaching skills in particular when coaching after errors and mistakes.

Supporting Employee Development
Development is an essential part of anyones work experience. This course will walk managers through how they can help their employees development through a step-by-step plan that includes an in-depth development plan, actions, and a 60-day next-step plan.
Supporting Employee Development
Development is an essential part of anyones work experience. This course will walk managers through how they can help their employees development through a step-by-step plan that includes an in-depth development plan, actions, and a 60-day next-step plan.

Supporting Your Team’s Performance
As a manager, you are tasked with leading a group of people to reach goals, their results are your results. It is your responsibility to ensure the quality of work delivered and to provide the right level of support to help each person be his or her best. This course will walk managers through the basics of how to best support your team and ensure team performance. Topics including performance factors, individual meetings versus group meetings, and future plans such as touching base with your team will be covered.
Supporting Your Team’s Performance
As a manager, you are tasked with leading a group of people to reach goals, their results are your results. It is your responsibility to ensure the quality of work delivered and to provide the right level of support to help each person be his or her best. This course will walk managers through the basics of how to best support your team and ensure team performance. Topics including performance factors, individual meetings versus group meetings, and future plans such as touching base with your team will be covered.

Giving Employee Feedback
Performance reviews are an essential component of our work. These reviews may be short and informal or extended feedback sessions, but, in both cases, receiving information about ones performance is the key to success. This manager-level course covers the advantages of performance reviews and how feedback can better the workplace, the individual, and the team. It covers the three key elements of a feedback session and how to prepare to give a performance review.
Giving Employee Feedback
Performance reviews are an essential component of our work. These reviews may be short and informal or extended feedback sessions, but, in both cases, receiving information about ones performance is the key to success. This manager-level course covers the advantages of performance reviews and how feedback can better the workplace, the individual, and the team. It covers the three key elements of a feedback session and how to prepare to give a performance review.

The Basics of Antitrust Compliance
This course offers the basic framework of federal antitrust (competition) law and an overview of the core antitrust laws. This course covers anti-competitive conduct of businesses and individuals and recognition to reduce legal risk when dealing with competitors, distributors, customers, and suppliers.
The Basics of Antitrust Compliance
This course offers the basic framework of federal antitrust (competition) law and an overview of the core antitrust laws. This course covers anti-competitive conduct of businesses and individuals and recognition to reduce legal risk when dealing with competitors, distributors, customers, and suppliers.

Identifying Program Deficiencies and New Threats
Course overview
This course module provides an overview of mechanisms for identifying compliance program risk areas and new threats. Through a case study, participants will explore the findings of a recent audit and current compliance enforcement activities in similar organizations. The course also includes a practical exercise involving a submission to the company’s corporate compliance hotline, examining various options and potential repercussions. This module is part of the ten-course Corporate Compliance Microlearning series, focusing on establishing a code of conduct and fostering an ethical organizational culture with accountability for all employees, including executives and managers.
This course is designed to equip health professionals to familiarize with identifying compliance program risk areas and addressing new threats through a case study approach. Participants will review audit findings and current compliance enforcement activities, explore submission options to the corporate compliance hotline, and understand the repercussions of decisions made.
Identifying Program Deficiencies and New Threats
Course overview
This course module provides an overview of mechanisms for identifying compliance program risk areas and new threats. Through a case study, participants will explore the findings of a recent audit and current compliance enforcement activities in similar organizations. The course also includes a practical exercise involving a submission to the company’s corporate compliance hotline, examining various options and potential repercussions. This module is part of the ten-course Corporate Compliance Microlearning series, focusing on establishing a code of conduct and fostering an ethical organizational culture with accountability for all employees, including executives and managers.
This course is designed to equip health professionals to familiarize with identifying compliance program risk areas and addressing new threats through a case study approach. Participants will review audit findings and current compliance enforcement activities, explore submission options to the corporate compliance hotline, and understand the repercussions of decisions made.