Course Category
Showing 343-351 of 811
SRA Tool Version 2.0 Tutorial

Course overview
This course offers a comprehensive overview of the Security Risk Assessment (SRA) tool developed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT. The tool serves as a valuable resource for healthcare providers to assess risks and ensure compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule. Participants will learn how to access and navigate the SRA tool online, enabling them to conduct a thorough risk assessment analysis. By identifying areas where protected health information may be at risk, this assessment plays a vital role in safeguarding patient data and maintaining HIPAA compliance within healthcare practices.
The goal of this course is to enable healthcare providers to effectively use the Security Risk Assessment (SRA) tool developed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT. Participants will learn how to assess risks and ensure compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule to protect patient information.

Generally Applicable, HIPAA, IT
SRA Tool Version 2.0 Tutorial

Course overview
This course offers a comprehensive overview of the Security Risk Assessment (SRA) tool developed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT. The tool serves as a valuable resource for healthcare providers to assess risks and ensure compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule. Participants will learn how to access and navigate the SRA tool online, enabling them to conduct a thorough risk assessment analysis. By identifying areas where protected health information may be at risk, this assessment plays a vital role in safeguarding patient data and maintaining HIPAA compliance within healthcare practices.
The goal of this course is to enable healthcare providers to effectively use the Security Risk Assessment (SRA) tool developed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT. Participants will learn how to assess risks and ensure compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule to protect patient information.

Information Security and Awareness

Course overview
The objective of this course is to orient healthcare workers to the role of information security in healthcare. This course provides a broad overview of basic computer security terminology, explains common security threats that may affect healthcare organizations, and provides recommendations for creating and implementing a security policy.
This course is designed for healthcare workers who may have access to devices that store or can be used to view protected health information and electronic health records. This basic training must be accompanied with a detailed HIPAA security risk assessment, and training related to the organization?? specific security threats and mitigation policies.

CHC, Generally Applicable, HIPAA, HRSA
Information Security and Awareness

Course overview
The objective of this course is to orient healthcare workers to the role of information security in healthcare. This course provides a broad overview of basic computer security terminology, explains common security threats that may affect healthcare organizations, and provides recommendations for creating and implementing a security policy.
This course is designed for healthcare workers who may have access to devices that store or can be used to view protected health information and electronic health records. This basic training must be accompanied with a detailed HIPAA security risk assessment, and training related to the organization?? specific security threats and mitigation policies.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule

Course overview
This microlearning course offers a comprehensive overview of the HIPAA Privacy Rule, a fundamental component of HIPAA law. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how the rule governs the use and release of protected health information (PHI), ensuring the confidentiality and privacy of patient information. The course covers key provisions of the Privacy Rule and provides practical insights through a real-world scenario. By completing this course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and comply with the HIPAA Privacy Rule, safeguarding patient privacy in healthcare settings.
The goal of this microlearning course is to provide healthcare workers with the essential knowledge and skills required to handle protected health information (PHI) and electronic health records (EHR) in compliance with HIPAA regulations. Participants will learn to securely access, handle, and protect PHI on devices, ensuring confidentiality and mitigating security threats.

ASC, CHC, Generally Applicable, HIPAA, HRSA, IT
The HIPAA Privacy Rule

Course overview
This microlearning course offers a comprehensive overview of the HIPAA Privacy Rule, a fundamental component of HIPAA law. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how the rule governs the use and release of protected health information (PHI), ensuring the confidentiality and privacy of patient information. The course covers key provisions of the Privacy Rule and provides practical insights through a real-world scenario. By completing this course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and comply with the HIPAA Privacy Rule, safeguarding patient privacy in healthcare settings.
The goal of this microlearning course is to provide healthcare workers with the essential knowledge and skills required to handle protected health information (PHI) and electronic health records (EHR) in compliance with HIPAA regulations. Participants will learn to securely access, handle, and protect PHI on devices, ensuring confidentiality and mitigating security threats.

The HIPAA Security Rule

Course overview
This microlearning course offers a comprehensive overview of the HIPAA Security Rule, a crucial component of HIPAA law. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the administrative, physical, and technical safeguards required to protect electronic personal health information (ePHI). The course covers the key provisions of the Security Rule, including national standards for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and security of ePHI. Through engaging modules, participants will explore real-world scenarios and learn actionable steps to implement the necessary safeguards. By completing this course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills to effectively comply with the HIPAA Security Rule and safeguard ePHI in healthcare settings.
This course is designed for healthcare workers with access to devices storing protected health information (PHI) and electronic health records (EHR). It provides comprehensive training on the HIPAA Security Rule and necessary safeguards.

ASC, CHC, Generally Applicable, HIPAA, HRSA, IT
The HIPAA Security Rule

Course overview
This microlearning course offers a comprehensive overview of the HIPAA Security Rule, a crucial component of HIPAA law. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the administrative, physical, and technical safeguards required to protect electronic personal health information (ePHI). The course covers the key provisions of the Security Rule, including national standards for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and security of ePHI. Through engaging modules, participants will explore real-world scenarios and learn actionable steps to implement the necessary safeguards. By completing this course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills to effectively comply with the HIPAA Security Rule and safeguard ePHI in healthcare settings.
This course is designed for healthcare workers with access to devices storing protected health information (PHI) and electronic health records (EHR). It provides comprehensive training on the HIPAA Security Rule and necessary safeguards.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Course overview
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA, along with privacy, security, and breach notification rules protects the privacy and security of all patients. These rules also provide individuals with certain rights to their specific health information. In this course we will review the best practices for maintaining HIPAA compliance, and explore the importance of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 in addition to the more recent Omnibus Final Rule implemented in 2013.
This course is designed for healthcare workers who may have access to devices that store or can be used to view protected health information and electronic health records. This basic training must be accompanied with a detailed HIPAA security risk assessment, and training related to the organization?? specific security threats and mitigation policies.

ASC, CHC, Generally Applicable, HIPAA, Home Health & Assisted Living, HRSA, Long Term Care, Skilled Nursing
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Course overview
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA, along with privacy, security, and breach notification rules protects the privacy and security of all patients. These rules also provide individuals with certain rights to their specific health information. In this course we will review the best practices for maintaining HIPAA compliance, and explore the importance of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 in addition to the more recent Omnibus Final Rule implemented in 2013.
This course is designed for healthcare workers who may have access to devices that store or can be used to view protected health information and electronic health records. This basic training must be accompanied with a detailed HIPAA security risk assessment, and training related to the organization?? specific security threats and mitigation policies.

Practical Applications of the HIPAA Privacy Rule

Course overview
This microlearning course offers a brief yet comprehensive review of important components of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Participants will explore the practical application of the Minimum Necessary Standard, which emphasizes the need to access and use only the minimum amount of protected health information necessary for a given purpose. The course also covers the significance of the Notice of Privacy Practices, which informs individuals of their privacy rights and how their health information may be used and disclosed. By the end of the course, participants will have a clear understanding of these key aspects of the HIPAA Privacy Rule and their practical implications in healthcare settings.
The goal of this microlearning course is to provide participants with a concise and focused understanding of key components of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. By the end of the course, participants will be able to explain the practical application of the Minimum Necessary Standard and the importance of the Notice of Privacy Practices. They will also understand how these elements contribute to safeguarding protected health information and maintaining patient privacy in compliance with HIPAA regulations.

ASC, CHC, Generally Applicable, HIPAA, HRSA
Practical Applications of the HIPAA Privacy Rule

Course overview
This microlearning course offers a brief yet comprehensive review of important components of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Participants will explore the practical application of the Minimum Necessary Standard, which emphasizes the need to access and use only the minimum amount of protected health information necessary for a given purpose. The course also covers the significance of the Notice of Privacy Practices, which informs individuals of their privacy rights and how their health information may be used and disclosed. By the end of the course, participants will have a clear understanding of these key aspects of the HIPAA Privacy Rule and their practical implications in healthcare settings.
The goal of this microlearning course is to provide participants with a concise and focused understanding of key components of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. By the end of the course, participants will be able to explain the practical application of the Minimum Necessary Standard and the importance of the Notice of Privacy Practices. They will also understand how these elements contribute to safeguarding protected health information and maintaining patient privacy in compliance with HIPAA regulations.

HIPAA & Social Media

Course overview
This microlearning course provides a comprehensive overview of the use of social media in the healthcare realm while considering HIPAA regulations. Participants will explore the benefits and risks associated with social media usage in healthcare and gain an understanding of the appropriate handling of protected health information (PHI) in online platforms. The course delves into HIPAA guidelines and restrictions related to social media, providing practical insights through a real-world scenario. By completing this course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills to utilize social media responsibly, ensuring compliance with HIPAA regulations and safeguarding patient privacy.
This course is designed for healthcare workers, organizations, and individuals in the healthcare industry who have access to protected health information (PHI) and electronic health records (EHR). The goal is to provide comprehensive training on the appropriate use of social media in healthcare while ensuring compliance with HIPAA regulations, safeguarding patient privacy and confidentiality.

ASC, Generally Applicable, HIPAA, IT
HIPAA & Social Media

Course overview
This microlearning course provides a comprehensive overview of the use of social media in the healthcare realm while considering HIPAA regulations. Participants will explore the benefits and risks associated with social media usage in healthcare and gain an understanding of the appropriate handling of protected health information (PHI) in online platforms. The course delves into HIPAA guidelines and restrictions related to social media, providing practical insights through a real-world scenario. By completing this course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills to utilize social media responsibly, ensuring compliance with HIPAA regulations and safeguarding patient privacy.
This course is designed for healthcare workers, organizations, and individuals in the healthcare industry who have access to protected health information (PHI) and electronic health records (EHR). The goal is to provide comprehensive training on the appropriate use of social media in healthcare while ensuring compliance with HIPAA regulations, safeguarding patient privacy and confidentiality.


Course overview
This microlearning course offers a comprehensive overview of the HITECH Act, an important component of HIPAA law. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how the HITECH Act addresses the privacy and security concerns associated with electronic health information transmission. The course covers key provisions of the Breach Notification Rule and explores a case study that highlights the consequences of a breach. By completing this course, participants will possess the knowledge and insights necessary to navigate and comply with the HITECH Act, ensuring the protection of patient information in electronic health systems.
This course is designed to provide comprehensive training to healthcare workers who have access to devices storing or used to view protected health information (PHI) and electronic health records (EHR). The training, accompanied by a detailed HIPAA security risk assessment and organization-specific security threat training, aims to ensure compliance and enhance the ability of healthcare workers to protect and handle PHI and EHR securely.

ASC, Generally Applicable, HIPAA, IT

Course overview
This microlearning course offers a comprehensive overview of the HITECH Act, an important component of HIPAA law. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how the HITECH Act addresses the privacy and security concerns associated with electronic health information transmission. The course covers key provisions of the Breach Notification Rule and explores a case study that highlights the consequences of a breach. By completing this course, participants will possess the knowledge and insights necessary to navigate and comply with the HITECH Act, ensuring the protection of patient information in electronic health systems.
This course is designed to provide comprehensive training to healthcare workers who have access to devices storing or used to view protected health information (PHI) and electronic health records (EHR). The training, accompanied by a detailed HIPAA security risk assessment and organization-specific security threat training, aims to ensure compliance and enhance the ability of healthcare workers to protect and handle PHI and EHR securely.

HIPAA Compliance & Cyber Security: Protecting PHI

Course overview
This microlearning course provides a comprehensive overview of protecting Protected Health Information (PHI) in accordance with HIPAA rules. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the standards set by HIPAA for the proper treatment of medical records when utilizing electronic devices. Emphasis is placed on the importance of implementing security measures such as passwords, PINs, and other protective measures to safeguard PHI. The course covers various strategies and methods used to protect data and maintain compliance with HIPAA regulations. Additionally, a real-world scenario is examined to provide practical insights into applying these protective measures effectively. By the end of the course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure the security and confidentiality of PHI when working with electronic devices in healthcare settings.
This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect Protected Health Information (PHI) in compliance with HIPAA rules. Participants will learn how to implement security measures, such as passwords and PINs, to safeguard PHI when using electronic devices in healthcare settings, ensuring confidentiality and compliance with regulations.

ASC, Generally Applicable, HIPAA, IT
HIPAA Compliance & Cyber Security: Protecting PHI

Course overview
This microlearning course provides a comprehensive overview of protecting Protected Health Information (PHI) in accordance with HIPAA rules. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the standards set by HIPAA for the proper treatment of medical records when utilizing electronic devices. Emphasis is placed on the importance of implementing security measures such as passwords, PINs, and other protective measures to safeguard PHI. The course covers various strategies and methods used to protect data and maintain compliance with HIPAA regulations. Additionally, a real-world scenario is examined to provide practical insights into applying these protective measures effectively. By the end of the course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure the security and confidentiality of PHI when working with electronic devices in healthcare settings.
This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect Protected Health Information (PHI) in compliance with HIPAA rules. Participants will learn how to implement security measures, such as passwords and PINs, to safeguard PHI when using electronic devices in healthcare settings, ensuring confidentiality and compliance with regulations.