Medicare Home Health Benefit
The Home Health Benefit training will educate learners on Consolidated billing, therapy services, and physician billing and payment information.
Medicare Home Health Benefit
The Home Health Benefit training will educate learners on Consolidated billing, therapy services, and physician billing and payment information.
Steps for Implementing the CMS Final Rule for Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
In a major emergency or disaster, many employees that you count on may leave to take care of family members — with and without notice. There is no way to plan for the timing of an emergency or disaster; it is never a convenient time. Many employees will rise to the occasion of leadership if they are given an opportunity and good instructions. You can’t always count on external services, such as law enforcement and county services; they can be consumed in the situation and will also have to prioritize resources. Course expiration date: 2/23/2026
Steps for Implementing the CMS Final Rule for Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
In a major emergency or disaster, many employees that you count on may leave to take care of family members — with and without notice. There is no way to plan for the timing of an emergency or disaster; it is never a convenient time. Many employees will rise to the occasion of leadership if they are given an opportunity and good instructions. You can’t always count on external services, such as law enforcement and county services; they can be consumed in the situation and will also have to prioritize resources. Course expiration date: 2/23/2026
Trauma Informed Care
This activity will define trauma and trauma-informed care along with the impact trauma has on physical and mental health, discuss the prevalence of traumatic events, review evidence-based guidelines for assessing for trauma exposure and developing a trauma-informed care program, and explain the effects trauma has on population health. Course expiration date: 6/29/2025
Trauma Informed Care
This activity will define trauma and trauma-informed care along with the impact trauma has on physical and mental health, discuss the prevalence of traumatic events, review evidence-based guidelines for assessing for trauma exposure and developing a trauma-informed care program, and explain the effects trauma has on population health. Course expiration date: 6/29/2025
Model of Care Training 2020
In this course the learner will review the Model of Care Training 2020 and how to deliver a successful Model of Care (MOC) program. Topics covered include Special Needs Plan (SNP) Medicaid-Medicare Plans (MMP), Care Coordination, Interdisciplinary Care Teams, Transitions of care and Provider Networks.
Model of Care Training 2020
In this course the learner will review the Model of Care Training 2020 and how to deliver a successful Model of Care (MOC) program. Topics covered include Special Needs Plan (SNP) Medicaid-Medicare Plans (MMP), Care Coordination, Interdisciplinary Care Teams, Transitions of care and Provider Networks.
Voluntad Anticipada
Este curso describe las responsabilidades legales y ?ticas del personal sanitario en relacion con las Directivas anticipadas se describen a partir de los pacientes y los cuidadores perspectivas. Tambi?n cubre los tipos y formatos de diversas directivas anticipadas son explicados con ejemplos y la aplicacion pr?ctica de este derecho fundamental del paciente.
Voluntad Anticipada
Este curso describe las responsabilidades legales y ?ticas del personal sanitario en relacion con las Directivas anticipadas se describen a partir de los pacientes y los cuidadores perspectivas. Tambi?n cubre los tipos y formatos de diversas directivas anticipadas son explicados con ejemplos y la aplicacion pr?ctica de este derecho fundamental del paciente.
Cuidado del adulto mayor
Este curso abarca como reconocer y gestionar las necesidades de la poblacion de edad avanzada, adquiriendo m?s conocimientos sobre los cambios relacionados con el proceso de envejecimiento. Al final de este curso, el alumno tendr? una comprension completa de la poblacion que envejece, las alteraciones en las condiciones de salud, la evaluacion y las intervenciones recomendadas en el cuidado de un adulto mayor.
Cuidado del adulto mayor
Este curso abarca como reconocer y gestionar las necesidades de la poblacion de edad avanzada, adquiriendo m?s conocimientos sobre los cambios relacionados con el proceso de envejecimiento. Al final de este curso, el alumno tendr? una comprension completa de la poblacion que envejece, las alteraciones en las condiciones de salud, la evaluacion y las intervenciones recomendadas en el cuidado de un adulto mayor.
Health Literacy Training
Health literacy is the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and health services. It is critical that the patient (or a caregiver) you are working with can understand the information he or she is being given. This course will give you the tools necessary to be able to identify when a patient can or cannot understand health information. You will also cover the continuum of confusion, medications, strategies to improve patient understanding, the use of visuals, teach back method, and how to focus on need-to-know information. Course expiration date: 6/30/2025
Health Literacy Training
Health literacy is the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and health services. It is critical that the patient (or a caregiver) you are working with can understand the information he or she is being given. This course will give you the tools necessary to be able to identify when a patient can or cannot understand health information. You will also cover the continuum of confusion, medications, strategies to improve patient understanding, the use of visuals, teach back method, and how to focus on need-to-know information. Course expiration date: 6/30/2025
Comenzando con Medicare
Proporciona una introduccion a Medicare y discute las decisiones que las personas deben tomar cuando seleccionan una opcion de Medicare. Este contenido fue desarrollado y aprobado por los Centros de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS), la agencia federal que administra Medicare, Medicaid, el Programa de seguro M?dico para ni?os (CHIP) y el Mercado de Seguros M?dicos.
Comenzando con Medicare
Proporciona una introduccion a Medicare y discute las decisiones que las personas deben tomar cuando seleccionan una opcion de Medicare. Este contenido fue desarrollado y aprobado por los Centros de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS), la agencia federal que administra Medicare, Medicaid, el Programa de seguro M?dico para ni?os (CHIP) y el Mercado de Seguros M?dicos.
Getting Started with Medicare
Medicare is the health insurance plan administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for people aged 65 and older as well as people under 65 with certain disabilities. There are 3 different enrollment periods: The Initial Enrollment Period (IEP), General Enrollment Period (GEP), and Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Medicare consists of multiple programs that cover different healthcare services. Medicare Part A covers hospitalization, Part B covers doctors visits and diagnostic tests, Part C (also known as Medicare Advantage) is a program administered by private companies that covers the same services and Medicare Parts A and B, and Part D covers prescription medications.
Getting Started with Medicare
Medicare is the health insurance plan administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for people aged 65 and older as well as people under 65 with certain disabilities. There are 3 different enrollment periods: The Initial Enrollment Period (IEP), General Enrollment Period (GEP), and Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Medicare consists of multiple programs that cover different healthcare services. Medicare Part A covers hospitalization, Part B covers doctors visits and diagnostic tests, Part C (also known as Medicare Advantage) is a program administered by private companies that covers the same services and Medicare Parts A and B, and Part D covers prescription medications.