Medical catastrophes of all kinds happen. Physicians, nurses, therapists, and healthcare administrators train, plan, and prepare as much as they can, but it’s nearly impossible to prevent all critical incidents in healthcare. In fact, in an analysis of Massachusetts hospitals, it was found that 38% of patients experienced an adverse event, of which 26% were potentially preventable.

In the Massachusetts study, the most common adverse events were related to surgical procedures, adverse drug events, healthcare-associated infections, patient care events, and blood transfusion reactions. In the following blog post, I’ll share specific examples of critical incidents in healthcare and how incident reporting can help to prevent many of them.

What Are Examples of Critical Incidents in Healthcare?

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines critical incidents (CIs) as “unexpected events that may reach patients and thus threaten patient safety.”

Examples of critical incidents in healthcare can include:

  • Serious injury (burn, cut, puncture wound, fall)
  • Misdiagnosis that results in serious injury or death
  • Surgical procedure on wrong body part
  • Receive the wrong medication or incorrect dosage
  • Natural disasters that affect patient safety and care
  • Human-caused events (fire, flood, assault, criminal activity)
  • Patient reaction to medications, procedures, or transfusions

Critical Incident Impact on Healthcare Providers

A 2023 study by Thriving in Health showed that healthcare providers are not “immune to the psychological impacts of critical incidents.” According to researchers, the effects that healthcare providers often deal with include:

Physical: Increased heart rate, restlessness, headache or abdominal discomfort

Behavioral: Rigidity, harshness, smoking or drinking excessively

Emotional: Crying, irritation, panic, disempowerment

Cognitive: Insecurity, forgetfulness, indecisiveness, loss of control or humorlessness

Nearly three-fourths (71%) of emergency department staff reported mild post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms with 20% saying they had moderate PTSD. Ambulance staff reported alcohol-related problems rose from 1.2% to 11.6% following exposure to an adverse incident.

Minimize Critical Incidents With Detailed Reporting

Following critical events in healthcare, the organization’s response can dictate whether a similar event happens again in that department or facility. Dynamic incident reporting systems are a great way to ensure incidents are quickly escalated, reviewed by management, and corrective action is taken. Plus, reviewing incident report trend data can help to identify more widespread issues

Critical Incident Reporting in Healthcare Facilities

Impactful incident reporting requires healthcare management to remove barriers so that staff can document and take responsibility for incidents. A digital incident reporting system makes that easier by with:

  1. Accessibility: Digital platforms or mobile apps offer 24/7 access for easy reporting from anywhere.
  2. Ease of use:  With an online system it is easy to customize as many different report types as needed so you can get exactly the information needed without extra questions or confusing fields. Plus it’s easy to track and analyze.
  3. Easy to escalate: Many online solutions offer customizable escalation processes that are automatic when the report is completed. You choose the people to be notified based on report type, location, and more.
  4. Anonymous: Anonymous reports strengthen policies and systems to protect the confidentiality of both the reports and the identities of reporters.
  5. Quick resolution: When the report is immediately forwarded to the appropriate managers, action and resolution can happen more quickly.
  6. Unlimited templates: Create templates for nearly all examples of incidents in healthcare to make it easier for employees to provide the needed information.

Digital incident reporting solution. It can help to create the proactive reporting culture you desire, eliminate delays, identify trends, and resolve issues more quickly.

MedTrainer offers all the functions listed above in an all-in-one compliance solution. Enhance your compliance programs with digital incident reporting solutions for any size organization. Contact us to learn more.


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