Course Category
Showing 523-531 of 811
What is Telehealth?

Telehealth represents a 21st-century advance in the delivery of healthcare services that has been given a tremendous boost in its usage and scope by the COVID-19 pandemic. This course describes its obvious benefits, stemming from the need to avoid exposure to infection through social distance, and also describes some of its limitations. The pandemic has also made possible expansions of the tools and platforms required for telemedicine communication, the relaxation of federal and state regulations, and the coverage and reimbursement limits for these services. Course expiration date: 4/20/2026

ANCC, CLIA, CMS, IT, Telehealth
What is Telehealth?

Telehealth represents a 21st-century advance in the delivery of healthcare services that has been given a tremendous boost in its usage and scope by the COVID-19 pandemic. This course describes its obvious benefits, stemming from the need to avoid exposure to infection through social distance, and also describes some of its limitations. The pandemic has also made possible expansions of the tools and platforms required for telemedicine communication, the relaxation of federal and state regulations, and the coverage and reimbursement limits for these services. Course expiration date: 4/20/2026

Los Fundamentos del Manejo del Dolor

En este curso, vamos a revisar las consideraciones ?ticas y gu?as cl?nicas de mejores pr?cticas para evaluar y gestionar el dolor. La definicion de dolor y como los pacientes de distintos grupos de edad expresar el dolor. Las bases de un plan de manejo eficaz del dolor ser?n revisadas con una breve descripcion de la normativa vigente y los est?ndares de acreditacion en relacion con el uso de medicamentos para el tratamiento del dolor.

CDC, CMS, Generally Applicable, Spanish
Los Fundamentos del Manejo del Dolor

En este curso, vamos a revisar las consideraciones ?ticas y gu?as cl?nicas de mejores pr?cticas para evaluar y gestionar el dolor. La definicion de dolor y como los pacientes de distintos grupos de edad expresar el dolor. Las bases de un plan de manejo eficaz del dolor ser?n revisadas con una breve descripcion de la normativa vigente y los est?ndares de acreditacion en relacion con el uso de medicamentos para el tratamiento del dolor.

Identifying & Reporting Neglect and Abuse

Course overview
This course provides an overview of the definitions of abuse, neglect. At the conclusion of the course, learners will be able to identify the various types of abuse and explore interventional strategies. In addition, reporting requirements for abuse, neglect, and exploitation will be covered.
This course is designed to equip health professionals with knowledge of how to identify and report neglect and abuse, across the USA States are required to have provisions or procedures for reporting known or suspected instances of abuse and neglect.

CDC, CMS, Generally Applicable
Identifying & Reporting Neglect and Abuse

Course overview
This course provides an overview of the definitions of abuse, neglect. At the conclusion of the course, learners will be able to identify the various types of abuse and explore interventional strategies. In addition, reporting requirements for abuse, neglect, and exploitation will be covered.
This course is designed to equip health professionals with knowledge of how to identify and report neglect and abuse, across the USA States are required to have provisions or procedures for reporting known or suspected instances of abuse and neglect.

Victims of Domestic Violence

According to research published by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in every four women experience domestic violence at some time during their lifetime. Because of these alarming statistics, domestic violence prevention has become a priority through both Federal and State legislature aimed at targeting abusers. Victims of domestic violence often do not want to inform their caregivers of the facts. Learn the basics of asking probing questions to help victims report abuse and engaging law officers when appropriate to transitional protective shelters. This course will also cover the relevant State and Federal laws concerning domestic violence, how to identify and prevent domestic violence and cover important issues such as victims rights.

CDC, CMS, Generally Applicable
Victims of Domestic Violence

According to research published by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in every four women experience domestic violence at some time during their lifetime. Because of these alarming statistics, domestic violence prevention has become a priority through both Federal and State legislature aimed at targeting abusers. Victims of domestic violence often do not want to inform their caregivers of the facts. Learn the basics of asking probing questions to help victims report abuse and engaging law officers when appropriate to transitional protective shelters. This course will also cover the relevant State and Federal laws concerning domestic violence, how to identify and prevent domestic violence and cover important issues such as victims rights.

Pandemic Preparedness for Post-Acute Care Facilities

The term Post-Acute Care includes rehabilitation or palliative services that Medicare beneficiaries receive after, or in some cases instead of, a stay in an acute care hospital. Depending on the intensity of care the patient requires, treatment may include a stay in a long-term care facility, assisted living, ongoing outpatient therapy, or home health care. Patients in Post-Acute Care facilities are at a higher risk of exposure and becoming infected by influenza viruses during a pandemic episode. This is due to underlying medical conditions, weakened immune systems, and the proximity to other patients and others. Contributing factors that spread viruses and other antibiotic-resistant bacteria include the ease of transmission for this patient population. A lack of consistent infection preventative measures taken by caregivers, patients, and family members can quickly turn an environment of care into a dangerous and even deadly situation. Course expiration date: 4/8/2026

Pandemic Preparedness for Post-Acute Care Facilities

The term Post-Acute Care includes rehabilitation or palliative services that Medicare beneficiaries receive after, or in some cases instead of, a stay in an acute care hospital. Depending on the intensity of care the patient requires, treatment may include a stay in a long-term care facility, assisted living, ongoing outpatient therapy, or home health care. Patients in Post-Acute Care facilities are at a higher risk of exposure and becoming infected by influenza viruses during a pandemic episode. This is due to underlying medical conditions, weakened immune systems, and the proximity to other patients and others. Contributing factors that spread viruses and other antibiotic-resistant bacteria include the ease of transmission for this patient population. A lack of consistent infection preventative measures taken by caregivers, patients, and family members can quickly turn an environment of care into a dangerous and even deadly situation. Course expiration date: 4/8/2026

Understanding and Applying CMS Regulations for Use of Restraints

Physical restraints are manual methods using a physical or mechanical device, material, or equipment attached or adjacent to the resident’s body that the individual cannot remove easily, which restricts freedom of movement or normal access to one’s body. A chemical restraint is any drug used for discipline or convenience and not required for treating medical conditions. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The CMS is responsible for creating and monitoring regulations to ensure the delivery of quality healthcare in managed care systems. They also work to detect and combat fraud, waste, and abuse of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The CMS publishes the CMS Manual System that provides the policies and procedures for hospitals and long-term care facilities. Course expiration date: 6/30/2025

ANCC, Behavioral Health, CMS, Home Health & Assisted Living
Understanding and Applying CMS Regulations for Use of Restraints

Physical restraints are manual methods using a physical or mechanical device, material, or equipment attached or adjacent to the resident’s body that the individual cannot remove easily, which restricts freedom of movement or normal access to one’s body. A chemical restraint is any drug used for discipline or convenience and not required for treating medical conditions. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The CMS is responsible for creating and monitoring regulations to ensure the delivery of quality healthcare in managed care systems. They also work to detect and combat fraud, waste, and abuse of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The CMS publishes the CMS Manual System that provides the policies and procedures for hospitals and long-term care facilities. Course expiration date: 6/30/2025

Responsible Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Pain

The topic of pain care in the United States has become a complex issue. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, more than 36 million people abuse opioids worldwide, with 2.1 million suffering from substance abuse disorders related to the misuse of prescription opioid pain relievers.
This course aims to provide healthcare professionals with an understanding of opioid addiction in order to implement safer risk management principles. In addition to interventional strategies to help prevent and manage opioid addiction, this course will also discuss relevant professional and governmental legislative strategies that health providers should implement to help those affected by opioid addiction. Course expiration date: 1/22/2026

ANCC, ASC, CMS, DEA, Generally Applicable
Responsible Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Pain

The topic of pain care in the United States has become a complex issue. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, more than 36 million people abuse opioids worldwide, with 2.1 million suffering from substance abuse disorders related to the misuse of prescription opioid pain relievers.
This course aims to provide healthcare professionals with an understanding of opioid addiction in order to implement safer risk management principles. In addition to interventional strategies to help prevent and manage opioid addiction, this course will also discuss relevant professional and governmental legislative strategies that health providers should implement to help those affected by opioid addiction. Course expiration date: 1/22/2026

An Overview of Medical Ethics

The AMA Code of Ethics sets out standards of conduct or moral guidelines for the medical profession. It establishes the ethical basis for patient-physician relationships, including issues of consent, communication and confidentiality. Ethical guidance is also provided for genetic testing and reproductive medicine, end-of-life considerations, organ procurement and transplantation, and medical research. Guidelines also incorporate physician responsibility for community health, professional behavior and working relationships, as well as financial issues and maintenance of access to healthcare. This course will cover the principles of ethical and moral conduct, ethical relationships, privacy, consent and confidentiality, ethical practice of controversial medical topics and procedures, and provide an understanding of physician responsibility.

ASC, CMS, Generally Applicable
An Overview of Medical Ethics

The AMA Code of Ethics sets out standards of conduct or moral guidelines for the medical profession. It establishes the ethical basis for patient-physician relationships, including issues of consent, communication and confidentiality. Ethical guidance is also provided for genetic testing and reproductive medicine, end-of-life considerations, organ procurement and transplantation, and medical research. Guidelines also incorporate physician responsibility for community health, professional behavior and working relationships, as well as financial issues and maintenance of access to healthcare. This course will cover the principles of ethical and moral conduct, ethical relationships, privacy, consent and confidentiality, ethical practice of controversial medical topics and procedures, and provide an understanding of physician responsibility.

Reopening of Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Uncertainty

Identify and utilize comparative data to predict survey hot spots as well as identify trends in CMS compliance deficiency findings. | The Effect of COVID-19 on survey priorities and the importance of non-complacency. | Implement effective processes to engage providers and staff by eliciting feedback on how to remove hidden performance roadblocks that cause repeated survey deficiencies. | Explain how to create a survey SWAT team that is trained and proactive in holding providers and staff accountable to eliminate error tolerance. | Become more familiar with available technologies to reduce labor intensive processes and how to conduct more frequent and effective mini-mocky surveys.

Reopening of Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Uncertainty

Identify and utilize comparative data to predict survey hot spots as well as identify trends in CMS compliance deficiency findings. | The Effect of COVID-19 on survey priorities and the importance of non-complacency. | Implement effective processes to engage providers and staff by eliciting feedback on how to remove hidden performance roadblocks that cause repeated survey deficiencies. | Explain how to create a survey SWAT team that is trained and proactive in holding providers and staff accountable to eliminate error tolerance. | Become more familiar with available technologies to reduce labor intensive processes and how to conduct more frequent and effective mini-mocky surveys.