Course Category
Showing 595-603 of 811
OSOM HCG Prueba Combo

El diagnostico r?pido OSOM le ofrece una variedad de productos para la salud de la familia y la mujer, y nuestros servicios brindan un valor incomparable. Los resultados r?pidos en el punto de atencion ayudan a reducir las visitas de seguimiento, promueven la educacion / prevencion y permiten un tratamiento m?s preciso.

La prueba OSOM hCG Combo es un inmunoensayo r?pido para la deteccion cualitativa de la gonadotropina corionica humana (hCG) en orina o suero para la determinacion temprana del embarazo.

CLIA, Laboratories, Spanish
OSOM HCG Prueba Combo

El diagnostico r?pido OSOM le ofrece una variedad de productos para la salud de la familia y la mujer, y nuestros servicios brindan un valor incomparable. Los resultados r?pidos en el punto de atencion ayudan a reducir las visitas de seguimiento, promueven la educacion / prevencion y permiten un tratamiento m?s preciso.

La prueba OSOM hCG Combo es un inmunoensayo r?pido para la deteccion cualitativa de la gonadotropina corionica humana (hCG) en orina o suero para la determinacion temprana del embarazo.

Prueba de varilla medidora de orina HCG OSOM?

El diagnostico r?pido OSOM le ofrece una variedad de productos para la salud de la familia y la mujer, y nuestros servicios brindan un valor incomparable. Los resultados r?pidos en el punto de atencion ayudan a reducir las visitas de seguimiento, promueven la educacion / prevencion y permiten un tratamiento m?s preciso.

La prueba con tira reactiva de orina OSOM HCG es una determinacion cualitativa de gonadotropina corionica humana (hCG) en orina para la deteccion temprana del embarazo.

CLIA, Laboratories, Spanish
Prueba de varilla medidora de orina HCG OSOM?

El diagnostico r?pido OSOM le ofrece una variedad de productos para la salud de la familia y la mujer, y nuestros servicios brindan un valor incomparable. Los resultados r?pidos en el punto de atencion ayudan a reducir las visitas de seguimiento, promueven la educacion / prevencion y permiten un tratamiento m?s preciso.

La prueba con tira reactiva de orina OSOM HCG es una determinacion cualitativa de gonadotropina corionica humana (hCG) en orina para la deteccion temprana del embarazo.

Prueba OSOM BVBlue

El diagnostico r?pido OSOM le ofrece una variedad de productos para la salud de la familia y la mujer, y nuestros servicios brindan un valor incomparable. Los resultados r?pidos en el punto de atencion ayudan a reducir las visitas de seguimiento, promueven la educacion / prevencion y permiten un tratamiento m?s preciso.

La prueba BVBlue de OSOM detecta una elevada actividad de sialidasa en el flujo vaginal, una enzima producida por patogenos bacterianos asociados a la vaginosis bacteriana, como Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacteroides spp., Prevotella spp., and Mobiluncus spp.

CLIA, Laboratories, Spanish
Prueba OSOM BVBlue

El diagnostico r?pido OSOM le ofrece una variedad de productos para la salud de la familia y la mujer, y nuestros servicios brindan un valor incomparable. Los resultados r?pidos en el punto de atencion ayudan a reducir las visitas de seguimiento, promueven la educacion / prevencion y permiten un tratamiento m?s preciso.

La prueba BVBlue de OSOM detecta una elevada actividad de sialidasa en el flujo vaginal, una enzima producida por patogenos bacterianos asociados a la vaginosis bacteriana, como Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacteroides spp., Prevotella spp., and Mobiluncus spp.

Prueba Ultra de Estreptococo A OSOM?

Un ensayo inmunocromatogr?fico en color destinado a la deteccion cualitativa del ant?geno del estreptococo del grupo A directamente a partir de muestras de frotis de garganta.

CLIA, Laboratories, Spanish
Prueba Ultra de Estreptococo A OSOM?

Un ensayo inmunocromatogr?fico en color destinado a la deteccion cualitativa del ant?geno del estreptococo del grupo A directamente a partir de muestras de frotis de garganta.

Flu Update: Why Molecular is the Right Method for Testing

This webinar will discuss the current state of influenza and Group A Strep (GAS) in the U.S., review the latest guidelines and recommendations for influenza and GAS, and assess the benefits of molecular testing in CLIA waived settings.

CLIA, Laboratories
Flu Update: Why Molecular is the Right Method for Testing

This webinar will discuss the current state of influenza and Group A Strep (GAS) in the U.S., review the latest guidelines and recommendations for influenza and GAS, and assess the benefits of molecular testing in CLIA waived settings.

FDA Coronavirus Testing Basics

This course provides an overview of the work the FDA has been doing to increase the availability of critical medical products, including tests for the coronavirus to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. In this course, you will learn more about these tests and the steps involved to complete them.

CLIA, Laboratories
FDA Coronavirus Testing Basics

This course provides an overview of the work the FDA has been doing to increase the availability of critical medical products, including tests for the coronavirus to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. In this course, you will learn more about these tests and the steps involved to complete them.

OraQuick ADVANCE Rapid HIV Antibody Test

The OraQuick ADVANCE is a single use, qualitative immunoassay to detect antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and type 2 in oral fluid, finger stick whole blood, venipuncture whole blood and plasma specimens. The OraQuick ADVANCE rapid HIV- Antibody Test is intended for use as a point-of-care test to aid in the diagnosis of infection with HIV-1 and HIV-2. This test is suitable for use in multi-test algorithms designed for statistical validation of rapid HIV test results. When multiple rapid HIV tests are available, this test should be used in appropriate multi-test algorithms.

CLIA, Laboratories
OraQuick ADVANCE Rapid HIV Antibody Test

The OraQuick ADVANCE is a single use, qualitative immunoassay to detect antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and type 2 in oral fluid, finger stick whole blood, venipuncture whole blood and plasma specimens. The OraQuick ADVANCE rapid HIV- Antibody Test is intended for use as a point-of-care test to aid in the diagnosis of infection with HIV-1 and HIV-2. This test is suitable for use in multi-test algorithms designed for statistical validation of rapid HIV test results. When multiple rapid HIV tests are available, this test should be used in appropriate multi-test algorithms.

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services regulate all laboratory testing (except research) performed on humans in the U.S. through the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). The purpose of the CLIA program is to ensure quality laboratory testing. Learning about the format, terminologies, and requirements enacted in CLIA will help you keep your laboratory in compliance. Course expiration date: 9/10/2024

ANCC, CLIA, Laboratories
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services regulate all laboratory testing (except research) performed on humans in the U.S. through the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). The purpose of the CLIA program is to ensure quality laboratory testing. Learning about the format, terminologies, and requirements enacted in CLIA will help you keep your laboratory in compliance. Course expiration date: 9/10/2024

Guidelines in Good Clinical Laboratory Practice

This course will review Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) standards that embrace both the research and clinical aspects of GLP utilizing a variety of collected regulatory and guidance material. We will cover eleven core elements that constitute the GCLP standards with the objective of filing ta gap for laboratory guidance, based on IND sponsor requirements, for conducting laboratory testing using specimens from human clinical trials. Other topics include performance of protocol-mandated safety assays, peripheral blood monocular cell processing and immunological or endpoint assays from biological interventions on IND-registered clinical trials, safety training, quality management program, quality assurance, and reporting.

CLIA, Laboratories
Guidelines in Good Clinical Laboratory Practice

This course will review Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) standards that embrace both the research and clinical aspects of GLP utilizing a variety of collected regulatory and guidance material. We will cover eleven core elements that constitute the GCLP standards with the objective of filing ta gap for laboratory guidance, based on IND sponsor requirements, for conducting laboratory testing using specimens from human clinical trials. Other topics include performance of protocol-mandated safety assays, peripheral blood monocular cell processing and immunological or endpoint assays from biological interventions on IND-registered clinical trials, safety training, quality management program, quality assurance, and reporting.