Course Category
Showing 658-666 of 811
Vaccinations for Adults

Many people are not aware that immunizations are needed throughout your life. Not only can vaccinations received as a child wear off, but people are also at risk for different diseases as an adult. For these reasons, it is important for adults to stay up to date with their immunizations. A patients specific need for vaccines will vary depending on their age, health, and job as well as lifestyle and travel habits.

In this module, we will review the importance of adult immunizations, standards for adult immunization practice, and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended adult immunization schedule.

Exp : 4/3/26

CDC, Generally Applicable, Health & Wellness, HRSA
Vaccinations for Adults

Many people are not aware that immunizations are needed throughout your life. Not only can vaccinations received as a child wear off, but people are also at risk for different diseases as an adult. For these reasons, it is important for adults to stay up to date with their immunizations. A patients specific need for vaccines will vary depending on their age, health, and job as well as lifestyle and travel habits.

In this module, we will review the importance of adult immunizations, standards for adult immunization practice, and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended adult immunization schedule.

Exp : 4/3/26

Una presentación sobre el papel que los promotores de salud pueden tomar contra las condiciones crónicas en la comunidad latina

Este curso proporciona una vision general del papel que los promotores de salud pueden tomar contra las condiciones cronicas en la comunidad latina. Se examinar? la importancia de promover decisiones saludables para generar un cambio positivo en la comunidad latina principalmente, se comprender? el estatus de salud en la misma, y se discutir? qu? factores afectan las decisiones sobre servicios de salud.

CDC, Generally Applicable, HRSA, Spanish
Una presentación sobre el papel que los promotores de salud pueden tomar contra las condiciones crónicas en la comunidad latina

Este curso proporciona una vision general del papel que los promotores de salud pueden tomar contra las condiciones cronicas en la comunidad latina. Se examinar? la importancia de promover decisiones saludables para generar un cambio positivo en la comunidad latina principalmente, se comprender? el estatus de salud en la misma, y se discutir? qu? factores afectan las decisiones sobre servicios de salud.

Identifying and Reporting Elder Abuse

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) estimates that one out of every 10 senior citizens will experience some type of abuse: however, less than 20% of those cases are ever reported. In an effort to understand the problem of elder abuse, experts have identified several types of abuse that generally define both abuse and neglect. In this course you will learn the types of abuse that elders face and how abuse can happen systematically through poor management skills, insufficient resources or lack of proper training. In addition, this course provides information on current legislation requiring education, training, and penalties because of the failure to report elder abuse.

CDC, Generally Applicable, Home Health & Assisted Living, Long Term Care, Skilled Nursing
Identifying and Reporting Elder Abuse

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) estimates that one out of every 10 senior citizens will experience some type of abuse: however, less than 20% of those cases are ever reported. In an effort to understand the problem of elder abuse, experts have identified several types of abuse that generally define both abuse and neglect. In this course you will learn the types of abuse that elders face and how abuse can happen systematically through poor management skills, insufficient resources or lack of proper training. In addition, this course provides information on current legislation requiring education, training, and penalties because of the failure to report elder abuse.

Overview of Sexual and Reproductive Health

Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are essential for overall human health, economic development, and the well-being of society. Consistent access to reproductive and sexual health services is a basic human need. Significant progress has been achieved in addressing certain components of sexual and reproductive health, such as contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, and maternal and newborn health; however, several components require improvement. Additionally, population growth and societal changes require new strategies to provide equitable access to sexual and reproductive health services. This course will address the emerging trends in SRHR and strategies to improve SRHR services and access and overcome disparities. Course expiration date: 11/2/2026

ANCC, CDC, Generally Applicable, Health & Wellness
Overview of Sexual and Reproductive Health

Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are essential for overall human health, economic development, and the well-being of society. Consistent access to reproductive and sexual health services is a basic human need. Significant progress has been achieved in addressing certain components of sexual and reproductive health, such as contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, and maternal and newborn health; however, several components require improvement. Additionally, population growth and societal changes require new strategies to provide equitable access to sexual and reproductive health services. This course will address the emerging trends in SRHR and strategies to improve SRHR services and access and overcome disparities. Course expiration date: 11/2/2026

Importance of Physical Fitness for the Elderly

This course provides an overview of the effects of aging related to physical activity, the prevalence of decreased mobility in the elderly, and the evidence-based guidelines to promote physical function in the elderly as it related to physical fitness. Learners will be oriented to the effects of aging on physical activity, the benefits of physical fitness for the elderly, the prevalence of decreased mobility in the elderly, ways to maintain and improve physical activity in the elderly, and the impact of decreased activity in the elderly on the population. Course expiration date: 6/30/2025

ANCC, CDC, Generally Applicable, Health & Wellness
Importance of Physical Fitness for the Elderly

This course provides an overview of the effects of aging related to physical activity, the prevalence of decreased mobility in the elderly, and the evidence-based guidelines to promote physical function in the elderly as it related to physical fitness. Learners will be oriented to the effects of aging on physical activity, the benefits of physical fitness for the elderly, the prevalence of decreased mobility in the elderly, ways to maintain and improve physical activity in the elderly, and the impact of decreased activity in the elderly on the population. Course expiration date: 6/30/2025

Monkeypox: Overview, Prevention and Treatment

This course provides an overview of the monkeypox virus as well as the 2022 current global outbreak. The course reviews infection, control, and prevention measures of monkeypox as well as evaluation and diagnoses and clinical management. Lastly, it will consider the CDC’s guidelines for exposure management. Course expiration date: 8/18/2025

ANCC, CDC, Generally Applicable
Monkeypox: Overview, Prevention and Treatment

This course provides an overview of the monkeypox virus as well as the 2022 current global outbreak. The course reviews infection, control, and prevention measures of monkeypox as well as evaluation and diagnoses and clinical management. Lastly, it will consider the CDC’s guidelines for exposure management. Course expiration date: 8/18/2025


Monkeypox is an emerging infectious disease caused by a virus transmitted to humans from infected animals, most commonly rodents. It can be spread to other people but person-to-person transmission alone cannot easily sustain an outbreak. The clinical presentation is similar to that seen in the past with smallpox but less severe. Smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1980; however, monkeypox still occurs sporadically in parts of Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests. Typically, case fatality in monkeypox outbreaks has been 1-10% but with appropriate care, most patients will recover.
This course provides a general introduction to monkeypox and is intended for health personnel responsible for prevention and control of monkeypox.
The content and scope of this course on monkeypox have been tailored for outbreaks in African countries where the disease is endemic. The course material was last updated in 2020 and may not reflect most recent WHO guidance issued for the multi-country outbreak in 2022.

CDC, Generally Applicable

Monkeypox is an emerging infectious disease caused by a virus transmitted to humans from infected animals, most commonly rodents. It can be spread to other people but person-to-person transmission alone cannot easily sustain an outbreak. The clinical presentation is similar to that seen in the past with smallpox but less severe. Smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1980; however, monkeypox still occurs sporadically in parts of Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests. Typically, case fatality in monkeypox outbreaks has been 1-10% but with appropriate care, most patients will recover.
This course provides a general introduction to monkeypox and is intended for health personnel responsible for prevention and control of monkeypox.
The content and scope of this course on monkeypox have been tailored for outbreaks in African countries where the disease is endemic. The course material was last updated in 2020 and may not reflect most recent WHO guidance issued for the multi-country outbreak in 2022.

Sepsis Awareness and Education

This microlearning course details information related to Sepsis Awareness and Infection Control. It provides an overview of the causes of sepsis and orients the learner to early recognition and treatment options for sepsis.

CDC, Generally Applicable
Sepsis Awareness and Education

This microlearning course details information related to Sepsis Awareness and Infection Control. It provides an overview of the causes of sepsis and orients the learner to early recognition and treatment options for sepsis.

Navigation Guidance for CDC, Train Laboratory Courses

This course provides step-by-step navigation guidance for learners on how to access and register for Laboratory Trainings hosted on the CDC, Train platform for continuing education or PACE credit.

CDC, Generally Applicable
Navigation Guidance for CDC, Train Laboratory Courses

This course provides step-by-step navigation guidance for learners on how to access and register for Laboratory Trainings hosted on the CDC, Train platform for continuing education or PACE credit.