Staying up-to-date on compliance training topics is no easy task. Governing bodies are constantly updating regulations and standards due to changes in legislation, technological advancements, new medical research, societal dynamics, and more. 

This blog post reveals the 10 most-viewed courses from MedTrainer’s library of nearly 1,000 healthcare-specific courses. With a resounding 2.8 million courses assigned in 2022, this list provides insight to the priorities of healthcare compliance teams across the United States.


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Ensuring Up-To-Date Healthcare Compliance Training Is Crucial

When facilities or their staff fall out of compliance, the risk of hefty fines, grueling lawsuits, patient harm, and staff burnout dramatically increases. Ensuring your compliance training topics meet all applicable regulations is not only mandatory, but it can help to avoid some of these situations.

Scouring federal regulations, such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, to identify those with training requirements is time consuming and tedious. It’s even more time consuming to compare the federal regulations with those required for each state in which you operate and with your accreditation organization. When changes are made, such as The Joint Commission’s standards update, you then have to analyze your current training to determine if it meets the new guidelines.

While it may seem like a headache, these education requirements are designed to help to reduce common deficiencies such as infection prevention, HIPAA violations, and preparedness for natural disasters.  

2022’s Most Popular Compliance Courses

Knowing the critical role education requirements play in the healthcare industry, it’s no surprise that MedTrainer’s most completed courses are focused on compliance topics that meet these standards. With continuous review of regulations and course content, the MedTrainer team keeps the courses current and relevant. Below is a recap of the top 10 that healthcare compliance teams are choosing to enhance staff development and retention efforts.

  1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  2. Fire Safety and Fire Extinguisher Types
  3. Hazardous Communication and Chemical Safety (HAZCOM) GHS Standard
  4. HIPAA, Social Media, and Texting Compliance
  5. Disaster Preparedness
  6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  7. Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)
  8. Active Shooter Training
  9. Hand Hygiene
  10. General Safety Orientation

#1 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

As the most viewed course by a landslide, it’s clear how critical it is to prevent breaches and protect patients’ privacy and security. In fact, the MedTrainer library offers over 20 diverse HIPAA courses pertinent to varying roles and environments throughout healthcare. Examples range from staff to administrative level education, from hospitals to dental clinics, as well as compliance training on Protected Health Information (PHI) for cyber spaces such as texting, social media, and telehealth settings.

#2 Fire Safety and Fire Extinguisher Types

Many organizations include this compliance training in their Fire Prevention Plan to ensure employees are survey-ready, knowledgeable, and prepared to handle sudden fire emergencies. Historically, fires at healthcare facilities have caused death, injury to civilians, and millions of dollars in property damage. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that employers maintain a Fire Prevention Plan accessible to all employees. 

#3 Hazardous Communication and Chemical Safety (HAZCOM) GHS Standard

Chemicals are common to hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), outpatient clinics, rehabilitation centers, long-term care and assisted living facilities, dental spaces, and even behavioral health settings. Learn to follow OSHA guidelines to prevent harm and adverse effects from handling such substances. OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) provides workers with information based on the need and right to know about the potential hazards of chemicals they are exposed to in their work environment. In alignment with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS), this training outlines rules and regulations on the storage, handling, disposal, labeling, and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) requirements for hazardous chemicals. 

#4 HIPAA, Social Media, and Texting Compliance

A recent study found that at least seven out of 10 Americans use at least one form of social media. In an ever-evolving high tech world, we must mitigate the risk of exposing patient data to ensure PHI is truly protected. Although social media can have important uses in healthcare, it also comes with risks. HIPAA is administered by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). All covered entities and their employees are subject to HIPAA, and penalties can be severe, with up to $1.5 million in fines for multiple violations. This compliance training informs personnel on when PHI can and cannot be shared, and how to protect patient privacy. 

#5 Disaster Preparedness

Disaster can strike at any time, anywhere. Including this course in your Disaster Preparedness Plan helps you develop programs for managing catastrophic events such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and widespread illness, as well as human-caused hazards including cyber-attacks, acts of violence, terrorism, and more. The healthcare industry is particularly vulnerable as there is often a tremendous increase in demand for health services when disasters occur. Being prepared for such instances is paramount to maintaining a functional organization.   

#6 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE was thrust into the spotlight as the COVID-19 pandemic began and remains a hot topic for all medical workers and beyond. Healthcare has the highest risk of potential exposure to infectious disease and bloodborne pathogens due to the volume of patients seen on a daily basis. Protecting yourself and others is the highest priority in creating an effective work space and “culture of safety.” Improper use of PPE can result in noncompliance, OSHA violations, and hefty fines.

#7 Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)

Per OSHA guidelines, all employers must offer this training to healthcare workers whose role risks occupational exposure, before their first assignment and as an annual refresher. Topics covered include common bloodborne pathogens, routes of exposure, best practices and standards for avoiding exposure to bloodborne pathogens, proper sharps disposal, methods for OSHA compliance, and incident reporting in case of an exposure. Prevent the spread of infectious disease with keen awareness and proper protocols in this course.

#8 Active Shooter Training

This OSHA-certified course is specifically designed for non-law enforcement employees with law enforcement officers’ information, and can help to obtain or maintain AAAHC and AAAASF accreditation status. As instances of workplace violence continue to pose a threat, being prepared for active shooter situations is crucial and all healthcare workers need to be informed.

#9 Hand Hygiene

Compliance and cleanliness go hand-in-hand. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that some healthcare workers need to wash their hands up to 100 times during a single shift. Handwashing and sanitizing is the number one priority for preventing the spread of infectious disease. This course covers the types of bacteria and diseases spread by the touch of your hands, the use and types of hand soaps and sanitizers, and proper handwashing techniques for maximum protection.

#10 General Safety Orientation

This high-demand course provides an overview of safety standards mandated by OSHA, all required compliance training, as well as injury and incident reporting. Information is provided on Tuberculosis and Hepatitis A, B, and C, the procurement, use, storage, and disposal of hazardous chemicals, as well as best practices for PPE and personal responsibility. Real life situations are presented to demonstrate the individual and team efforts needed to create a “culture of safety” in the workplace. 

How To Keep Training Relevant

One way to ensure your compliance training topics are both relevant and current, is to rely on curated healthcare training within a learning management system (LMS). Choose a vendor who is committed to keeping up with the changing healthcare industry and is willing (and able) to quickly update content so you can meet changing CMS, OSHA, and OIG regulations. 

Furthermore, the practicality of having a software system with reporting capabilities makes sense. Gone are the days of manual data entry, complicated spreadsheets, and paper files. Why waste time on tedious tasks that can lead to human error? With today’s technology and automated functions, in just a few clicks you can easily assign, track, and run reports on employee progress. 

Staying Ahead of Trending Compliance Training Topics

The medical arena evolves quickly. Lagging behind on the necessary advancements to keep a healthcare facility modern will render it inefficient and insufficient. Modern LMS platforms streamline and simplify the training process for everyone involved. Providing online training on compliance topics also makes it easier for staff to complete learning requirements when they have time.  

By implementing an easy-to-use and healthcare-specific learning management system, employers and their employees can achieve appropriate compliance standards, feel empowered by knowledge, save time by streamlining processes, and save money by avoiding fines, fees, and lawsuits.

Schedule a demo to find out why MedTrainer is a great choice.