Approaches to Cognitive & Mood Assessments for SNF Providers
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training that provides an overview of the Resident Mood Interview (PHQ-9) for skilled nursing facility (SNF) providers. Item intent and rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed.
This course provides an overview of the general and key clinical considerations important to conducting standardized cognitive and mood assessments. An overview of principles directly applicable to the Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS), the Signs and Symptoms of Delirium from the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM), and the Resident Mood Interview Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) will also be discussed. Resources available to assist SNF providers in understanding and training others in the application of related coding guidance will be reviewed. Throughout the course, participants will engage in interactive exercises to test knowledge and application of assessment and coding principles.
Approaches to Cognitive & Mood Assessments for SNF Providers
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training that provides an overview of the Resident Mood Interview (PHQ-9) for skilled nursing facility (SNF) providers. Item intent and rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed.
This course provides an overview of the general and key clinical considerations important to conducting standardized cognitive and mood assessments. An overview of principles directly applicable to the Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS), the Signs and Symptoms of Delirium from the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM), and the Resident Mood Interview Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) will also be discussed. Resources available to assist SNF providers in understanding and training others in the application of related coding guidance will be reviewed. Throughout the course, participants will engage in interactive exercises to test knowledge and application of assessment and coding principles.

Assessing Delirium in the SNF Care Setting
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training that provides an overview of assessment of delirium in the skilled nursing facility (SNF) care setting. Item intent and rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed.
This course provides an overview of the general principles and key clinical considerations important when coding C1310. Signs and Symptoms of Delirium (from CAM). Item intent and rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed. Participants will apply coding principles using videos to code practice scenarios. Please note: Item C1310. Signs and Symptoms of Delirium (from CAM) may be referred to as the CAM for the purposes of this course.
Assessing Delirium in the SNF Care Setting
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training that provides an overview of assessment of delirium in the skilled nursing facility (SNF) care setting. Item intent and rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed.
This course provides an overview of the general principles and key clinical considerations important when coding C1310. Signs and Symptoms of Delirium (from CAM). Item intent and rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed. Participants will apply coding principles using videos to code practice scenarios. Please note: Item C1310. Signs and Symptoms of Delirium (from CAM) may be referred to as the CAM for the purposes of this course.

The Resident Mood Interview (PHQ-9) for SNF Providers
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training that provides an overview of the Resident Mood Interview (PHQ-9) for skilled nursing facility (SNF) providers. Item intent and rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed.
This course discusses the Resident Mood Interview (PHQ-9) and Total Severity Score. Item intent, rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed. Emphasis on interview techniques that promote resident engagement and interview accuracy will be examined. Participants will have an opportunity to apply coding principles using interactive exercises and videos to code practice scenarios.
The Resident Mood Interview (PHQ-9) for SNF Providers
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training that provides an overview of the Resident Mood Interview (PHQ-9) for skilled nursing facility (SNF) providers. Item intent and rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed.
This course discusses the Resident Mood Interview (PHQ-9) and Total Severity Score. Item intent, rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed. Emphasis on interview techniques that promote resident engagement and interview accuracy will be examined. Participants will have an opportunity to apply coding principles using interactive exercises and videos to code practice scenarios.

Assessment of Cognitive Function for SNF Providers
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training that provides an overview of the Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS) and the Staff Assessment for Mental Status. This training is part of a four-course series designed for providers in the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) setting.
This course provides an overview of the general principles and key clinical considerations important when conducting the Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS). Item intent and rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed. A review of the Staff Assessment for Mental Status will also be provided. Participants will apply coding principles using interactive exercises and videos to code practice scenarios.
Assessment of Cognitive Function for SNF Providers
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training that provides an overview of the Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS) and the Staff Assessment for Mental Status. This training is part of a four-course series designed for providers in the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) setting.
This course provides an overview of the general principles and key clinical considerations important when conducting the Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS). Item intent and rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed. A review of the Staff Assessment for Mental Status will also be provided. Participants will apply coding principles using interactive exercises and videos to code practice scenarios.

Section M: Assessment and Coding of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training course that provides an overview of the assessment and coding of pressure ulcers/injuries. This course is intended for providers in Home Health Agencies (HHAs), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs), Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs).
This course provides an overview of the patient/resident assessment instrument guidance across post-acute care (PAC) settings for the coding of pressure ulcers/injuries. It will begin with a description of the intent and rationale for pressure ulcer/injury (PU/I) items, coding principles, and staging of pressure ulcers/injuries. An explanation of the cross-setting pressure ulcer/injury quality measure (QM) will be provided. In addition, resources that are available to assist PAC providers in pressure ulcer/injury assessment will be reviewed. Participants will engage in interactive exercises to test their knowledge and application of coding principles throughout the course.
Section M: Assessment and Coding of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training course that provides an overview of the assessment and coding of pressure ulcers/injuries. This course is intended for providers in Home Health Agencies (HHAs), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs), Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs).
This course provides an overview of the patient/resident assessment instrument guidance across post-acute care (PAC) settings for the coding of pressure ulcers/injuries. It will begin with a description of the intent and rationale for pressure ulcer/injury (PU/I) items, coding principles, and staging of pressure ulcers/injuries. An explanation of the cross-setting pressure ulcer/injury quality measure (QM) will be provided. In addition, resources that are available to assist PAC providers in pressure ulcer/injury assessment will be reviewed. Participants will engage in interactive exercises to test their knowledge and application of coding principles throughout the course.

K0200. Height and Weight and K0500. Nutritional Approaches
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training that provides an overview of the assessment and coding of K0200. Height and Weight and K0510. Nutritional Approaches. Item rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed. The instruction provided within this training is intended to assist Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) providers in coding the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI). This course discusses the items in Section K related to height, weight, and nutritional approaches for SNF residents. Item rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed. Knowledge checks will be provided to emphasize specific coding tips and instructions. Participants will have an opportunity to apply coding principles using interactive exercises to code practice scenarios.
K0200. Height and Weight and K0500. Nutritional Approaches
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a web-based training that provides an overview of the assessment and coding of K0200. Height and Weight and K0510. Nutritional Approaches. Item rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed. The instruction provided within this training is intended to assist Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) providers in coding the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI). This course discusses the items in Section K related to height, weight, and nutritional approaches for SNF residents. Item rationale, steps for assessment, and coding instructions will be reviewed. Knowledge checks will be provided to emphasize specific coding tips and instructions. Participants will have an opportunity to apply coding principles using interactive exercises to code practice scenarios.

Diabetic Foot Ulcers in Residents, Course Code: CO2236734
This course discusses the significance of foot ulcers in diabetic individuals. We will identify the barriers to healing in the person with diabetes and risk factors for the development of a diabetic foot ulcer. Best practices in assessment and reduction of pressure in individuals suffering from diabetic foot ulcers will also be discussed.
This course is approved by Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to provide continuing education credit for long term care workers in Washington State.
Diabetic Foot Ulcers in Residents, Course Code: CO2236734
This course discusses the significance of foot ulcers in diabetic individuals. We will identify the barriers to healing in the person with diabetes and risk factors for the development of a diabetic foot ulcer. Best practices in assessment and reduction of pressure in individuals suffering from diabetic foot ulcers will also be discussed.
This course is approved by Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to provide continuing education credit for long term care workers in Washington State.

Communication and Familiarity for Patients and Caregivers, Course Code: CO2236735
Communication and Familiarity for Patients and Caregivers provides the learner with an overview of the importance of effective communication between patients, caregivers, and providers in the long-term care, skilled nursing facility, and home health environments. This course will also cover effective communication strategies and tools as well as discuss how to engage in sensitive subjects and address patients with unique communication needs. Communication between healthcare providers and elderly patients is often hindered by several factors including bias on the part of providers that often includes having a condescending or paternalistic approach, exhibiting less patience, providing less information, and failing to address psychosocial and preventive health factors with these patients.
This course is approved by Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to provide continuing education credit for long term care workers in Washington State.
Communication and Familiarity for Patients and Caregivers, Course Code: CO2236735
Communication and Familiarity for Patients and Caregivers provides the learner with an overview of the importance of effective communication between patients, caregivers, and providers in the long-term care, skilled nursing facility, and home health environments. This course will also cover effective communication strategies and tools as well as discuss how to engage in sensitive subjects and address patients with unique communication needs. Communication between healthcare providers and elderly patients is often hindered by several factors including bias on the part of providers that often includes having a condescending or paternalistic approach, exhibiting less patience, providing less information, and failing to address psychosocial and preventive health factors with these patients.
This course is approved by Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to provide continuing education credit for long term care workers in Washington State.

Measuring Intake and Output
This course will discuss fluid balance and explain fluid intake and output (IandO), why monitoring is essential, and methods for measuring IandO. Course expiration date: 11/1/2025
Measuring Intake and Output
This course will discuss fluid balance and explain fluid intake and output (IandO), why monitoring is essential, and methods for measuring IandO. Course expiration date: 11/1/2025